‘Jan. 6 will look like a tea party!’ Farage warns Supreme Court to act NOW on Trump ruling: ‘Forget your Christmas holidays’

‘Jan. 6 will look like a tea party!’ Farage warns Supreme Court to act NOW on Trump ruling: ‘Forget your Christmas holidays’

Nigel Farage issues a warning

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 20/12/2023

- 22:25

Updated: 27/12/2023

- 16:00

The state’s Supreme Court cited insurrection as they kicked Trump off the ballot

Nigel Farage has issued the Supreme Court with a grave warning after a ruling that promises to strike Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado.

The state’s Supreme Court cited insurrection in their reasoning for the removal of the former US President, a decision his team have branded “completely flawed”.

The ruling only mentions the state’s primary election on 5 Match, when Republican voters will choose their preferred presidential candidate.

Speaking on GB News, Trump’s ally Nigel Farage warned the country could be headed for a “civil war” should the ruling go unchallenged.

Donald Trump and NIgel Farage

Nigel Farage has issued a warning to the Supreme Court


“My fear is the way these political appointees have behaved sends a very bad message”, he said.

“It says, ‘we have decided to remove from you your democratic rights to have the option to vote for a candidate you may choose’.

Donald Trump and Nigel Farage at Trump Turnberry

Farage is a Trump ally

Stuart Mitchell / GB News

“They have given succour to states like Maine. We could end up with lots of Democratic states removing Trump from the ballot.

“The American Supreme Court has to forget about Christmas holidays and vote very quickly on Article 14 of the US Constitution, something written in the wake of the Civil War which has never been used for a political ends ever.”

In a chilling warning to the Supreme Court, Farage said allowing the ruling to stand will force voters to take drastic measures.

“The American Supreme Court must put a stop to this”, he said.

“If you remove a person’s right to vote, you force them to take other measures.

“What happened on January the 6th will look like a Sunday afternoon tea part unless we get back some sense of perspective in America.”

The justices wrote in their ruling: "We do not reach these conclusions lightly. We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us.

"We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favour, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach."

Farage made reference to the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot, an event which ultimately saw the former US President kicked off the Colorado ballot.

He was accused of insurrection as a group of his supporters marched on the United States Capitol Building in Washington DC, two months after his 2020 election defeat.

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