Emily Carver

It has been a dream come true to be a presenter on GB News.
Before being asked to host my first ever show, I was a regular commentator across the channel. I love the way GB News asks the tough questions, allows both sides of a debate to be heard, and picks stories that the traditional mainstream media simply wouldn’t think to, or would shy away from.
Previously, I worked in Westminster for the Institute of Economic Affairs, where I learnt from some of the best economists in the country. Heading up the communications department, I got a taste for broadcasting, and quickly became a regular on GB News, as well as a regular panellist on programmes such as BBC Question Time, Politics Live, and LBC Cross Question. I’ve also had the opportunity to write for a number of top publications, including The Telegraph and The Independent, as well as writing a regular column for Conservative Home.
Growing up in North London, it often felt as though there was only one accepted way of thinking when it came to politics, that those with different opinions – be it on Brexit or the economy – were demonised. But being constantly challenged at school, university and at home has made me love a debate, so I wouldn’t have it any other way.
That's also one of the reasons GB News is so important. It engages directly with its viewers and listeners and it doesn’t seek to belittle or ‘re-educate’. It really is the People’s Channel – and a lot of fun too.
Who has influenced you most?
I hope my parents are reading, because truthfully it’s them. I grew up in a household where I was encouraged to read, learn and was often challenged, whether I liked it or not! This has helped shape me as a person, and as a broadcaster.
What are you most proud of yourself for?
For taking risks, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I was absolutely terrified the first time I was asked onto the media – but I didn’t let that stop me!
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don’t worry so much about failing. You can always get up and try again. And never say no to exciting opportunities simply out of fear.
Your most memorable moment in your career thus far?
Obviously presenting my first ever show on GB News! A few hiccups, sure, but as soon as I’d finished I wanted to go again!
What’s your style of presenting?
A viewer once told me that I could deliver the news of a meteor hitting the face of the Earth with a smile on my face. I guess my style is friendly and good-spirited, but I certainly don’t shy away from disagreement! My favourite bit is getting the opinions of our viewers and listeners on air - they always have very interesting takes on the news.
What career would you have pursued if it hadn’t been for the newsroom?
Perhaps I could have pursued skiing as a career (I used to dabble in a bit of downhill racing) or music (as a child, I’d often be found warbling away in my bedroom or playing the Les Mis score on the piano). More realistically, I think I’d enjoy teaching or running my own small business.
What’s your favourite part of Great Britain?
Although I grew up in London, I love to get out to the British countryside. The Lake District is always a treat. I also have a soft spot for Bristol, where I went to university. Three years I’ll never forget.. Mostly!