Camilla Tominey

I have worked in newspapers for more than 20 years. I originally studied law at the University of Leeds but realised halfway through the course that what I actually wanted to do was report on interesting cases rather than fight them in court.

After graduating in 1999, I went travelling for a year and then landed my first job as a rookie reporter on the Hemel Hempstead Gazette. I wrote an excruciating job application in the form of a newspaper article headlined: "Lois Lane? Think Again," which somehow caught the eye of the editor, who offered me a traineeship.

I was paid a pittance but the beauty of it was that you learned on the job. I was sent out on all sorts of stories straight away as well as being taught how to write snappy copy and 100- words-per-minute shorthand. I covered major court cases, inquests, fires, hospital closures, murders - you name it.

Desperate to earn more dosh, I called the Sunday Express one Saturday morning asking for a shift and ended up in the newsroom helping to write the splash [page 1 story] that day. After moving there full time in 2003, I spent a couple of years on showbiz, before being offered the royal beat in 2005 because, as my former editor Martin Townsend put it at the time: "You dress nicely and you're called Camilla".

Since then I've covered all the major royal events including William and Kate's wedding, the Diamond Jubilee, Prince Harry's marriage to Meghan Markle and the subsequent 'Megxit' debacle, the births of all the royal children and most recently, the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

In 2016, I also started covering politics in addition to the royals and was eventually promoted to political editor of the Sunday Express before being poached by the Daily Telegraph in 2018 to cover both politics and royals. I also write a weekly column for the newspaper where I try to channel the feelings of the silent majority on any given issue.


 Why do you love working in journalism?

I've always been what I call curious, but others might regard as nosy! I'm interested in people and the stories they have to tell. I'm so lucky to have started my career in local papers and slowly worked my way up because it meant I was given the opportunity to report across a huge breadth of subjects and learn the trade in the best way - by actually going out there and getting stories. I still get a buzz from landing a big scoop and I love being part of a news team - be it putting together a newspaper every day or a topical news programme.

What matters to you most in your career?

I care passionately about my country and reporting without fear of favour. You have to have a lot of courage to be a journalist these days - especially when there are so many people out to "cancel"; you for simply trying to get to the truth of any story.

Whats the most important thing about hosting a Sunday morning politics show?

Keeping the audience engaged but also entertained. I think we have a tendency to overthink political programme formats when in reality viewers just want informed news and views. They dont necessarily want "Gotcha" moments - people just want straight answers to straight questions.

What style do you bring to GB News?

I've always lived by the maxim that you should take your work seriously but not yourself. Although it's called The Camilla Tominey Show, it's not really about me - it's about the guests. And I';m very much a "what you see is what you get" kind of presenter. I've always been the same at work as I am at home, and I think GB viewers appreciate that authenticity.

Why is debate and balanced argument important to you?

Because life is very nuanced. We seem to have entered an era of: "If you don't agree with me then you're not only wrong, but a bigot". People are afraid to voice their opinions if they're not in line with the Twittersphere. We need less group think and more thinking for ourselves. I try to bring agreeable disagreement back to the small screen.

Outside of work, what matters to you most?

Well I'm a working mother of three so most of my life is spent trying to keep the kids - and the newsdesk - happy, which isn't always easy. I love playing tennis so I always try to carve out at least an hour a week on court. Family is very important to me - I am incredibly close to my two older brothers, my father and my stepmother.

What are you most proud of yourself for?

I stopped drinking alcohol more than a decade ago and it is undoubtedly the best thing I have ever done. My mother was a chronic alcoholic who sadly drank herself to death in 2001, aged 54. I could never really handle my booze - I think it's probably genetic - so I felt I needed to break that cycle, not only for my own health and wellbeing but also for my husband and children.

What makes you angry?

Hypocrisy. People in the public eye who pretend to be one thing and are in fact, the complete opposite. I also have a big problem with people who aren't understanding of those with disabilities. And I don't generally like pessimists who talk everything down all the time. I'm a glass half-full kind of gal (albeit zero per cent proof!)

The best and worst advice you've ever been given?

The best is - love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life. The worst? Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to wear high heels outside of a TV studio at the age of 44 is arguably angling for a hefty podiatry bill.

What job would you be doing if you weren't on TV?

I'd probably be a lawyer. I am not sure if that would make me more or less popular than a journalist!

Your most memorable moment in your career thus far?

I will always treasure having met Queen Elizabeth II. She was so smiley and sparkly and not at all like her austere image on stamps and money. I also broke the story of Prince Harry dating Meghan Markle, which in copy terms appears to be the gift that keeps on, er, giving.

Name somebody that you have always wanted to interview?

Or debate with? And why?

Madonna. I appreciate some people think the Queen of Pop has gone a bit off the boil of late but she'll always be Her Madgesty to me. She's a highly intelligent woman who has raised six children while nurturing an extraordinary career spanning four decades. I also wouldn't mind knowing what she makes of Joe Biden and the state of the world today.


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