Nigel Farage

I do not have the background of a typical politician. Indeed, despite spending more than 20 years in the European Parliament and many years leading political parties, I am more of a campaigner than a career politician.

I was lucky to grow up in a small village with a strong sense of community.

The North Downs of Kent was - and still is - a beautiful part of the country, which is why I still live there.

My love of the natural world and sensible environmentalism is deep within me.

My school years at Dulwich college gave me an excellent all-round education and a keen interest in current affairs. I was a non-conformist in many ways and winding up my post-1968 left-wing teachers was something of a sport!

After considering the army, I decided to skip university and head into Thatcher's booming city of London. The London Metal Exchange was full of big personalities and life was never dull. Lunches were long and alcohol-fuelled, so it was fun. Global politics and economics were always on our minds and were factors that moved markets. When the telephone rang it could be Paris or Frankfurt, but more likely Singapore or Santiago. I could not understand why we were integrating more deeply with Europe as I was living in global Britain. The moment we joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism I decided to become an active campaigner.

I'm glad to be here at GB News hosting "Farage"; and taking my show live across the Great Britain and Northern Ireland to talk to everyone and bring the conversation to you.


 Aside from politics, what matters to you?

Family. I'm lucky to have four kids, all in good health. That matters to me a lot. And my hobbies and my interests, of which I've got many.

What does it mean to be British?

We've won the first prize. Unique country, amazing given our size, our incredible achievements. And still, I think, we are a country with an incredible global reach. I think we're pretty fair as people and I think we still have a great entrepreneurial spirit within us. I think we've got a great future.

What do you love about Britain?

Its complete uniqueness. Its language, which makes travelling the world so easy, and allows us to be lazy at languages. And of course, the beer. The only country in the world producing a live yeast product in a glass. Proper stuff.

What was your first job?

Commodity broker. 18. Straight from school. Joined the firm, owned by Drexel Burnham Lambert, that was on the London Metal Exchange. A wonderful city institution. Did it for many years. Loved it.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing this?

I'd be rich, if I hadn't done politics! If I hadn't done politics I would have been retired by now. But as it is, after 20 years in politics, I love the cut and thrust of political debate. And I think I can influence the way people look and think about big issues.

What attracted you to GB news?

The gap in the market in British broadcasting which had been an insiders' closed shop, without enough genuine free debate and expression.

What does GB News offer that others don't?

Take an issue like climate change, where there was a wall-to-wall consensus and where Ofcom under (Tony) Blair's legislation stated that broadcasters don't even have to give balance on it. Anyone that tells you the science on any issue is settled will invariably be proved wrong. Science is always open for debate. And I think here at GB News, we can do that properly and sensibly.

What do you try to bring to your show?

Energy, controversy, robust discussion and, on a good day, humour.

Favourite moment so far?

My (Donald) Trump interview.

Biggest regret?

Too many to list.

Best decision?

Having kids.

What would you tell your younger self?

I haven't grown up yet.

Proudest moment?

The Brexit Party. Getting Brexit back on track. Brexit looked lost. It looked gone. It looked finished. Second referendum was coming down the track. Everything was against us. And I think that window of opportunity those European elections gave us got the whole thing back on track. I've no doubt about it.

Are you misunderstood?

Yeah, completely. Because I took on the entirety of the establishment, every newspaper, every broadcaster, nearly every single MP, every major trade union, every business leader. All supported membership of the European Union and I dared to come along and say they were all wrong. And for that, I was more demonised than anybody else post-war British politics.

Would you agree that you're the most influential politician of modern history?

In terms of turning opinion around 180 degrees on a big subject - I've done my bit.

You're known for having your finger on the pulse of British mood and sentiments, what's your secret?

Going to pubs. Not for photo opportunities, but in person, for real, and being very lucky in that I'm actually very classless. I can mix with anybody, talk to anybody. I';m genuinely comfortable being with people of all backgrounds.


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