Prince Harry cut off actor from The Crown after he 'said too much'

Prince Harry cut off actor from The Crown after he 'said too much'

WATCH NOW: GB News Royal Correspondent responds to Season Six of The Crown

Dorothy Reddin

By Dorothy Reddin

Published: 26/12/2023

- 12:43

The Duke of Sussex travelled with the actor to the South Pole in 2013

Prince Harry cut off an actor from The Crown after he "said too much".

Dominic West, who plays King Charles in the hit Netflix show, admitted that the Duke of Sussex stopped talking to him after their 2013 trip to the South Pole.

The Crown actor embarked on an ambitious journey with the duke 10 years ago, accompanying him for the charity event, Walking With the Wounded.

At a "welcome home" press conference, the actor praised the prince for helping to build the latrines during their travels.

Prince HarryPrince Harry cut off actor from The Crown after he 'said too much'


However, West later claimed that Harry made "eye-wateringly rude jokes" and drank champagne out of a prosthetic leg when asked about how the crew celebrated at the end of the trip.

West claims that Prince Harry did not speak to him again following the press conference.

Speaking to Times Radio on Sunday, West said: "We sort of [lost touch because] I said too much in a press conference, and so, we didn't speak after that.

"I think I was asked what we did. [And] what we did to celebrate when we got there and [I] probably said too much."

Prince Harry

Prince Harry speaking at the 'Welcome Home' press conference in 2013


The Netflix actor told the press conference at the time that Harry was "a really cool guy, very much part of the team".

He continued: "He would often reach the meeting point before the rest of his men and would build these incredibly lavish, castellated latrines, with battlements and loo roll holders.

"It must have taken him 40 minutes at least to build, they were just fabulous. I would often sit on the latrine thinking 'This is a royal flush in every way!'

"Harry also massively helped me out when I was struggling with my skis at first. He was a great guy."

Prince Harry and Dominic West

Prince Harry [left] while Queen Elizabeth chats to Dominic West [right] after charity event


Dominic West

Dominic West playing King Charles in The Crown​


When asked about the celebrations after reaching the South Pole, West added: "Two of the Aussie guys stripped naked and ran round the pole but most of us, Harry included, just went on a two-day bender with the Icelandic truck drivers who had brought some lethal home brew with them.

"There was a lot of liqueur drunk.

"We all drank champagne out of Duncan's (Slater, a double amputee injured in Afghanistan in 2009, who was on the British team) favourite prosthetic legs."

On Prince Harry's behaviour, West continued: "Well he told some eye-wateringly rude jokes which for a non-soldier like me was pretty shocking!"

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