Students laugh as Just Stop Oil eco-zealot vandalises ANOTHER uni building with paint

Students laugh as Just Stop Oil eco-zealot vandalises ANOTHER uni building with paint

WATCH: Just Stop Oil protester paints Exeter University building

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 10/10/2023

- 17:25

Updated: 10/10/2023

- 17:32

The individual was helped up onto a platform by an accomplice

Just Stop Oil’s latest bizarre act of eco-zealotry came at Exeter University, where an activist climbed up a building before pouring paint over the glass facade.

The individual was helped up onto a platform by an accomplice before emptying cans of paint onto the building, much to the amusement of onlooking students.

After caking a window in pink and orange paint, the protester then proceeds to graffiti another window with the message, “Just Stop Oil”.

In a final act, he unfurls a banner adorning the logo and name of the group that have wreaked havoc across Britain with their extreme methods of protest.

A Just Stop Oil protester makes his feelings known at Bristol University

A Just Stop Oil protester sparked laughter amongst Bristol University students


The targeted building was the university’s library, ‘The Forum’, and it becomes the second university to face disruption today after the University of Oxford suffered from similar eco antics.

Following yet another bizarre act from the divisive group, the main perpetrator of the offence had his accomplice hand out what appeared to be leaflets to fellow students, who could be heard laughing as the event played out.


In a post to X, Just Stop Oil said: “A second university has been disrupted today as a third student supporter of Just Stop Oil painted ‘The Forum’ and climbed onto the glass facade.

“Young people have been betrayed by our government. March with us this November.”

University buildings appear to be a centre of focus for the group currently as they bid to ramp up preparations for marches in London this November.

Yesterday, Bristol University found itself dealing with a mess left by 21-year-old student Ben Meechan, who was arrested after spraying orange paint across the Queen’s Building.

Just Stop Oil take to the Sondheim Theatre stage

Just Stop Oil have halted theatre productions and sporting events


“Friends” of the group who are expecting climate ruin in the years to come are a group called “People Demand Democracy”, who also broke the law today through the form of protest.

A man from the group has been arrested after storming the stage during Sir Keir Starmer’s speech at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool.

The 28-year-old from Surrey was arrested on suspicion of assault, breach of the peace and causing public nuisance, Merseyside Police said on Tuesday.

The protester was wearing a T-shirt linking him to a group called People Demand Democracy, which has named him as Yaz Ashmawi.

As Sir Keir began to address the gathering the heckler began shouting “true democracy is citizen-led” and threw glitter at the Labour leader.

The protester bellowed “politics needs and update” and “we demand a people’s house” as a clearly disgruntled Starmer pushed him away.

A Labour spokesman said Sir Keir had had been “completely unfazed” by the incident.

It “shows his true strength of character that he got on and delivered the speech of his life”, he added.

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