Downing Street party: What restrictions were in place at the time?

Downing Street party: What restrictions were in place at the time?
stratton apology
Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 08/12/2021

- 17:38

Updated: 08/12/2021

- 17:40

Boris Johnson has ordered an investigation into the alleged party and insists that he was 'assured that the rules were not broken.'

Allegra Stratton has resigned as the PM's spokesman for Cop26 after footage emerged of her discussing a Christmas Party in Downing Street, which the government say did not happen.

In the video, the spokesman can be seen joking in a mock press conference, saying: "This fictional party was a business meeting and it was not socially distanced."

Boris Johnson has ordered an investigation into the alleged party and insists that he was "assured that the rules were not broken".

Downing Street insist no party took place, and ministers have reaffirmed the assertion in multiple media appearances.

What restrictions were in place at the time?

Any Downing Street party would have breached the government's Covid restrictions in place on 18th December 2020.

The guidance for the Christmas period said: "Although there are exemptions for work purposes, you must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier."

London was under tier 3 restrictions at the time, and meetings of two or more people from separate households were banned unless it was "reasonably necessary" for work.

London moved into tier 4 on the 21st December.

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson is set to address the public on coronavirus as ministers consider imposing new restrictions in response to rising cases and the spread of the Omicron variant.

The Prime Minister will front a press conference from Downing Street at 6pm on Wednesday, No 10 said, after considering measures including guidance to work from home and the introduction of domestic vaccine passports for events and large venues.

The Cabinet’s Covid-19 operations (Covid-O) committee had been expected to meet to consider the next steps amid widespread suggestions that the further measures would be announced as Downing Street faced intense pressure over an allegedly rule-breaking Christmas party in No 10 last year.

“The PM will hold a Covid press conference at 6pm,” a No 10 spokeswoman said.

One reason for the rapid shift towards Plan B could be figures from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) panel which suggested at least 1,000 people a day may need hospital treatment for Omicron by the end of the year without restrictions.

Leaked minutes of a Sage meeting held on Tuesday said the Government should “urgently” consider the need for measures to reduce transmission of the virus and protect the NHS from “unsustainable pressure”, the BBC reported.

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