Lewis Hamilton makes complaint and says 'people were falling asleep' after Monaco Grand Prix

Lewis Hamilton makes complaint and says 'people were falling asleep' after Monaco Grand Prix

WATCH NOW: Sports round-up as Lewis Hamilton struggles at Monaco Grand Prix

Jack Otway

By Jack Otway

Published: 27/05/2024

- 08:18

The 39-year-old finished seventh as Charles Leclerc won the event in France

Lewis Hamilton has complained that the Monaco Grand Prix was too boring after finishing seventh, with the Mercedes star also suggesting a change to the rules.

Max Verstappen said after the race that he should have taken a pillow with him for the big event in Monte Carlo.

And Hamilton believes three mandatory pit stops could help provide more excitement to fans watching on.

"It was non-eventful," he moaned.

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton has complained the Monaco Grand Prix was too boring after he finished seventh


"Everyone drove so slowly. So it didn’t matter what tyre you were on. We were driving seconds off the pace.

"I don’t know what to say. That is for you to report. I am sure people were falling asleep.

"Our tyres can do a whole race. We have too hard tyre compounds here, so we have to find ways of spicing it up, maybe a mandatory three stops."

The Grand Prix was red flagged after a first-lap crash, with all drivers then switching tyres.

Regulations demand two compounds be used in a single race.

But it meant that the whole event lacked speed, with drivers struggling to overtake on the narrow roads of the circuit.

Leclerc, who started the day on pole, then secured glory.

Verstappen has dominated F1 in recent years but endured a difficult day, with the Red Bull star finishing sixth.

And the 26-year-old, like Hamilton, has called for Formula One chiefs to make changes to enhance the spectacle.

"First, I would like to make a few little changes to Monaco because that would make it even more exciting," he said.

"Overall, the weekend is really cool; it’s the Sundays that are little boring.

"The scenery is still great but if we could find a way to race a bit more, why not? That would be my preferred solution."

Meanwhile, Mercedes have shown signs of improvement in recent times.

Though Hamilton finished seventh, team-mate George Russell secured fifth.

And the Stevenage-born racer is pleased to see Mercedes making 'encouraging' progress ahead of his move to Ferrari next year.


Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton has opened up after finishing seventh at the Monaco Grand Prix


"The signs of performance this weekend have been encouraging and three races in a row we've brought upgrades," he said.

"That's really positive to see, bit by bit we've got drips coming through and hopefully in the next race I'll have the front wing too.

"I'll go to Canada and as always give my absolute everything.

"And it's good to see the team are bringing performance."

As for Leclerc, who will partner Hamilton at Ferrari, the 24-year-old was delighted with his win.

Charles Leclerc

Lewis Hamilton was unable to compete with Charles Leclerc at the Monaco Grand Prix


"No words can explain that," he said. "It's such a difficult race, I think the fact twice I've been starting on pole position and we couldn't quite make it makes it even better in a way.

"It means a lot, obviously. It's the race which made me dream of becoming a Formula 1 driver one day.

"Fifteen laps to the end you're hoping nothing happens and the emotions are coming.

"My dad has given everything for me to be here and it was a dream of ours for me to race here and win here, so it's unbelievable."

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