NFL star Travis Kelce gives Taylor Swift relationship insight and responds to 'Mr Pfizer' nickname

NFL Travis Kelce

NFL star Travis Kelce has shed light on his relationship with Taylor Swift

Jack Otway

By Jack Otway

Published: 07/10/2023

- 13:40

The 34-year-old is currently in a relationship with the pop star

NFL star Travis Kelce has admitted he and Taylor Swift are currently adjusting to the publicity surrounding their relationship.

The 34-year-old is currently dating the pop star - leading to an increase in attention as a result.

Kelce is no stranger to life in the spotlight.

But with Swift arguably the biggest singer on the planet right now, he's still getting head round everything.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce recently started a relationship


"We're learning with the paparazzi, just taking photos from all over the place," he said on Friday.

"But at the same time it comes with it.

"You've got a lot of people that care about Taylor and for good reason.

"So I've just got to keep living and learning and enjoying the moments.

"At the end of the day, I've always been pretty good about compartmentalising and being able to stay focused in this building.

"I'll just keep rolling with that."

Kelce also admitted that the facilities at the Kansas City Chiefs are a safe haven for him, too.

"I think it's always been that for me," he added.

"No matter what's going on in my life, good or bad, I think this is one place I can get away and just being locked in and focused and always check myself and my ego at the door and make sure that I come in with a clear mind."

Another subject Kelce touched upon was his role in Pfizer's 'Two things at once' ad campaign.

The campaign in question has been promoting that people in America can get their COVID-19 vaccination at the same time as the flu jab.

Aaron Rodgers recently gave the 34-year-old the nickname of 'Mr Pfizer' as a result.

But Kelce has shrugged that off and hit back by pointing out that Rodgers' side, the New York Jets, are owned by Woody Johnson - heir of a company that makes their own vaccine.

"I thought it was pretty good. With this 'stache, I look like a guy named Mr. Pfizer," he laughed.

"Who knew I would get into the vax wars with Aaron Rodgers, man.

"It's Mr Pfizer versus the Johnson and Johnson family over there.

"I got the vaccine because of keeping myself safe, my family safe, the people in this building so yeah, I stand by it.

"1000 per cent.

"Fully comfortable with him calling me Mr Pfizer."

Meanwhile, Kelce's mother has admitted she finds the fanfare over the relationship between the NFL star and Swift 'crazy'.


Travis Kelce

Travis Kelce is unbothered by the nickname of 'Mr Pfizer'


Donna Kelce said: "It's really morphed into something I could've never expected.

"It's kind of crazy, but you just treat everybody with respect and kindness, and they return it to me."

She added: "Every week it's like something new. Like, really? I feel like I'm in some kind of an alternate universe.

"It's really strange. But it's fun— it's a great ride.

"At times it gets a little annoying, but most of the time people are just so sweet, so kind, so generous. "What mother doesn't want to hear that their kids are great?"

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