Labour's 'anti-car agenda' slammed as Ulez and congestion charge torn apart by Transport Secretary

Anthony Browne, MP for South Cambridgeshire and candidate for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire, discussing the potential Congestion Charge impact on Cambridgeshire residents with Chris Carter-Chapman, Parliamentary candidate for South Cambridgeshire.​

Anthony Browne (left), MP for South Cambridgeshire and candidate for St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire, discussing the potential Congestion Charge impact on Cambridgeshire residents with Chris Carter-Chapman (right), Conservative Parliamentary candidate for South Cambridgeshire.

Sam Montgomery

By Sam Montgomery

Published: 13/07/2023

- 22:15

Updated: 14/07/2023

- 10:34

Conservative candidate and local MP call for referendum on Cambridge congestion charge as Mark Harper visits to show support

Transport Secretary Mark Harper has expressed disappointment at the lack of consultation with the public from Labour and the Liberal Democrats regarding Ulez and Cambridge congestion charge roll outs.

Responding to the latest transport plans when out campaigning in Mid Bedforshire, Harper raised concerns that the Labour and Lib Dem controlled Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) is putting its “ideological anti-car agenda” above the needs of its residents.

Harper said: “Significant changes to local transport policy, such as the proposed congestion charge in Cambridge and the expansion of ULEZ into Greater London, must be done in proper consultation with the public.

“The Lib Dems and Labour, who are pushing for these charges, must listen to local residents rather than choosing to pursue an ideological anti-car agenda.”

Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, was out campaigning in Mid Bedfordshire today ahead of the anticipated by-election.

Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, out campaigning in Mid Bedfordshire ahead of the anticipated by-election.

In plans set to be implemented by 2028, a Sustainable Travel Zone (STZ) in Cambridge would have car drivers subject to a daily fee of £5, van drivers £10 and lorries £50 to enter or drive in the city between 7am and 7pm on weekdays.

The zone would extend out as far as Trumpington, Teversham, Newnham, King’s Hedges and Queen Edith’s.

The GCP is a body made up of an appointed representative from each of the three local councils, a university representative and a business representative.

The executive board is currently controlled by two Labour members, Cllr Mike Davey and Cllr Elisa Meschini, and the Lib Dem’s Cllr Brian Milnes.

Anthony Browne, MP for South Cambridgeshire, speaking at a rally attended by over 1000 local residents in December 2022

Anthony Browne, MP for South Cambridgeshire, speaking at a rally attended by over 1000 local residents in December 2022.

Chris Carter-Chapman, Conservative Parliamentary candidate for South Cambridgeshire, said: “Residents in Cambridge and London must be allowed to have their say.

“Since I was selected to fight South Cambridgeshire for the Conservatives, hundreds of local residents have been in touch with me desperate to know what my stance is on the Cambridge Congestion Charge.

“My simple answer is: Give us a referendum now and we will overwhelmingly vote to scrap it. It would do immeasurable harm to local businesses and will impact the most vulnerable in our society the hardest.

“We must never forget it was local Labour and Liberal Democrat Councillors who proposed this plan.”

Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, was out campaigning in Mid Bedfordshire today ahead of the anticipated by-election.

Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, at Flitwick train station while out campaigning in Mid Bedfordshire ahead of the anticipated by-election.

Carter-Chapman then cited the Tory victory in the King’s Hedges by-election earlier this month as a means of gauging the local sentiment.

Anthony Browne, MP for South Cambridgeshire and Parliamentary candidate for the newly-created St Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire constituency said: “The GCP have an enormous budget and yet have decided to propose a Cambridge Congestion Charge.

“No one wants this damaging tax, and it's outrageous of the Lib Dems and Labour to not allow a referendum.

“The Lib Dems have called for a referendum on the Congestion Charge proposals in Wales, yet they refuse one in Cambridge.”

The rally against congestion charge in December 2022\u200b

Residents at the rally against congestion charge in December 2022

The Transport Secretary endorsed the candidate for South Cambridgeshire: “Chris Carter-Chapman is on the side of businesses and residents, listening to concerns and campaigning to get the Greater Cambridge Partnership to get back to the drawing board with their plans.”

On its formation, the GCP announced that it had developed a £630million programme “focused on transport infrastructure alongside supporting interventions in housing, skills, smart technology and energy infrastructure.”

The GCP added that local partners will invest a further £500million to support the delivery of the infrastructure.

The business representative on the GCP’s executive board is Dr Andy Williams of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Business Board, and Professor Andy Neeley is the academic representative from the University of Cambridge.

The Labour Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Nik Johnson, who is under investigation in 2022 after a whistleblowing report over alleged bullying from his staff, is also part of the GCP board as a non-voting member.

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