Birmingham and London have 'no go areas' says Tory MP as he warns Islam being 'abused'

Birmingham and London have 'no go areas' says Tory MP as he warns Islam being 'abused'
EXCLUSIVE: Lee Anderson speaks out after Sadiq Khan Islamophobia and racism row
Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 27/02/2024

- 09:54

Updated: 27/02/2024

- 10:01

The claims were dismissed as 'nonsense slurs' by Tory West Midlands Mayor Andy Street

Conservative MP Paul Scully has claimed that religious "no go areas" exist in Birmingham and east London, sparking fresh backlash as the row over Islamophobia in the Tory party rages on.

The former government minister said the "no go" zones exist as a result of people "abusing" their religion, sparking fury from Conservative West Midlands Mayor Andy Street.

Writing on X, Street hit back: "The idea that Birmingham has a ‘no-go’ zone is news to me, and I suspect the good people of Sparkhill.

"It really is time for those in Westminster to stop the nonsense slurs and experience the real world.

\u200bConservative MP Paul Scully

Conservative MP Paul Scully has claimed that religious "no go areas" exist in Birmingham and east London


"I for one am proud to lead the most diverse place in Britain."

Speaking to the BBC, Scully had said: "The point I am trying to make is if you look at parts of Tower Hamlets, for example, where there are no-go areas, parts of Birmingham Sparkhill, where there are no-go areas, mainly because of doctrine, mainly because of people using, abusing in many ways, their religion to… because it is not the doctrine of Islam, to espouse what some of these people are saying."

He added: "That, I think, is the concern that needs to be addressed."

This comes amid a backdrop of growing fury over remarks made last week by Lee Anderson, which were dubbed "Islamophobic, racist and anti-Muslim" by London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Anderson had the Tory whip suspended after claiming that "Islamists have got control of our country" and that Khan has "given our capital city away to his mates."

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yesterday condemned his remarks as "wrong" and "not acceptable".

But Anderson has refused to apologise, instead doubling down and accusing the Mayor of London of overseeing "double standards for political benefit", referring to the way that pro-Palestinian marches are policed in London.

Speaking to GB News yesterday, he added: "If you are wrong, apologising is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.

"But when you think you are right you should never apologise because to do so would be a sign of weakness."

Reform UK leader Richard Tice threw his weight behind Anderson, claiming the MP "speaks for millions".

He also claimed his suspension from the Tory party has sparked a surge in new Reform UK members.

In a statement, the Reform UK leader said: "Many in the media have asked me about Lee Anderson’s comments. The truth is that Lee speaks for millions of people who are appalled by what is happening to our country.


"Between them, this gutless government and the Mayor of London appear to have lost control of our streets. The projecting of a vile antisemitic slogan on our Houses of Parliament last week is a shocking illustration of the breakdown of law and order.

"In his role as London’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Sadiq Khan is responsible for London’s security. Along with Sir Mark Rowley, he has totally failed in that capacity. Week in week out, he and the police have allowed pro-Hamas, hate-filled antisemitic marches to continue."

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