Our politicians clearly think we’re idiots, Patrick Christys says

2 May Patrick
Patrick Christys

By Patrick Christys

Published: 02/05/2022

- 10:46

Updated: 02/05/2022

- 11:00

The quality of our politicians’ lies matches that of their political ability – absolutely dire

Our politicians clearly think we’re idiots. They’re taking us all for mugs. We’ve had some cases in recent weeks that have led to some staggering lies or, sorry, ‘honest mistakes’ from our serving MPs.

Porngate is the latest one. Neil Parish was caught watching porn in the house of commons. His friends – ‘a source close to’ – tried to claim he was searching for a dominator combine harvester and accidentally clicked on a porn link.

I mean…this just sums it up. It’s like that Little Britain sketch of the politician apologising about a sexual misdemeanour. “I was struggling to sleep so I decided to go for a walk around Hampstead Heath. In the dark I couldn’t see that another man was approaching me, we bumped into each other, I fell to the ground and as chance would have it my trousers came down. And that’s all there is to say about that.”

Mr Parish then admits to watching the video again at the side of the chamber as he was waiting to vote, which is incredibly weird.

And then we’ve got beergate. We can actually see a video of Keir Starmer standing in what appears to be a room full of people eating and drinking beer. He claimed they were just taking a break from work. Then it emerges part of the evening was described as a social. And one person advertised it as ‘a greasy night’ – i.e. a booze up.

Still, Sir Keir said it was just a work event.

Then Labour was asked whether or not Angela Rayner was there as well. They said no. And then there was footage showing Angela Rayner there. So they had to admit that they’d made an ‘honest mistake’ and perhaps forgot about her involvement.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’d want people who are that forgetful in power.

And now a delivery driver has come forward to say there was a massive curry order to the Miners Hall venue – he later retracted his story but then the plot thickens still –

The Labour leader was staying at Durham’s Radisson Blu hotel where food was served outside on its terrace until 9pm.

But Sir Keir had previously said the hotel he was staying in wasn’t serving food.

The level of political amnesia here is astonishing. How thick do this lot think we are? They’re telling lies to cover up lies and taking us all for fools in the process.

Niccola Sturgeon claimed she couldn’t recollect basic facts on more than 50 occasions during her questioning over the Alex Salmond misconduct inquiry. I think maybe she needs medical attention if that’s the case.

And then there’s legsgate – Angela Rayner plays a starring role in this again.

When the story broke about Angela Rayner attempting to do her Sharon Stone impression, she vehemently denied it, she called it misogyny and then vast swathes of the media jumped on it saying how disgusting it was that someone would make this up.

And then here come the receipts…It’s emerged that, apparently, she was the one who told fellow MPs that she was doing it. And she tried to hide behind a façade of sexism and classism.

It diminishes the real victims of sexism and classism.

Obviously Boris has done something similar.

Look, whether it’s combine harvesters, being ambushed by cake, forgetting your deputy leader was at a party with you or claiming you’re the victim of rampant sexism… I think the quality of our politicians’ lies matches that of their political ability – absolutely dire.