Dan Wootton: The Booster Police are coming for you

06 Dan
Dan Wootton

By Dan Wootton

Published: 06/01/2022

- 21:12

Updated: 06/01/2022

- 21:48

The Prime Minister’s focus must be on a path to normality.

Don’t be so sure that we are immune from the vaccine tyranny sweeping across Continental Europe and many so-called liberal western democracies.

First, it was New Zealand’s “Be Kind” authoritarian Jacinda Ardern who boasted that the unvaccinated were second class citizens in their own country.

Then Austria became the first country to make vaccination mandatory and enforceable by law, causing widespread civil unrest.

Next, we had Canadian PM Justin Trudeau – Mr Blackface himself – saying that anyone who was unvaccinated was a misogynist and racist.

This week that nasty little oddball Emmanuel Macron said that he wants to – excuse my language here, quote – “p*** off” the unvaccinated French population with fresh legislation to ban them from public venues.

He told a newspaper…

I’m generally opposed to the French being p***** off. I complain all the time about administrative blockages. But when it comes to the non-vaccinated, I’m very keen to piss them off. So we’re going to do it, the end. That’s our strategy.

And in the past 24-hours Italy has become the latest illiberal democracy to force over-50s to be jabbed by law – or face suspension from work from the middle of next month.

The British Booster Police are coming for you, folks.

The Times reports this morning that ministers on the all-powerful Covid-O committee have already had discussions over plans to deny Brits who refuse the booster entry to large venues and quarantine-free international travel.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid is said to be a strong proponent of the plan to revive the UK’s stalling booster programme.

A government source told the newspaper…

The prime minister is very open to it. Both Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance were supportive. This is about incentivising people to get their jabs.”

Of course they bloody were.

But, I’m sorry, to try and spin shutting folk out of parts of society for refusing a medical procedure that comes with side effects is nothing to do with incentivising.

It’s coercion pure and simple.

As I said yesterday, Boris Johnson was completely right to resist the pressure from the hysterics Javid, Gove, Vallance, Whitty and Ferguson and avoid shutting down the country any further over Christmas and New Year.

Now it’s time for him to stand up to the constant illiberal measures they are determined to introduce in a bid to divide society between the jabbed and the unjabbed.

As Professor Sir Andrew Pollard – head of the JCVI – bravely said this week, very soon boosters in this country should be reserved for the vulnerable anyway.

The Prime Minister’s focus must be on a path to normality.

Leave the authoritarian approach to Ardern, Trudeau and Macron, Boris.

You’ve got to be better than them.