Dan Wootton: Teaching unions, SNP and media are obsessed with keeping mandatory face coverings

Dan mono 20 jan
Dan Wootton

By Dan Wootton

Published: 20/01/2022

- 21:54

'Those who have benefitted most from a sense of fear enveloping society want the hellfire of Covid restrictions to go on.'

Have you noticed the past 24-hours just how much there are some groups in society who don’t want the coronavirus pandemic to end?

The government has axed the futile and completely useless Plan BS – finally unmuzzling England from mask tyranny – thanks to an abundance of data showing it’s very clearly the right thing to do.

Those who have benefitted most from a sense of fear enveloping society want the hellfire of Covid restrictions to go on.

Shame on the teaching unions in particular who want to keep our poor children muzzled. Forcing masks in classrooms this month was one of the cruellest and most absurd rules of the entire pandemic – and that’s saying something given the Scotch Egg rule and Rule of Six.

But at least the government soon realised it was beyond the pale and hastily scrapped the requirement from today. However, the irrational National Education Union hit out at the liberation for our children, saying the cruel restriction was being lifted “too quickly”.

Joint general secretary Dr Mary Bousted said: “Rather than announcements aimed at saving Boris Johnson’s job, [the] Government should be exercising a duty of care to the nation’s pupils and the staff who educate them.”

What utter rubbish. All masks in schools do is hamper our children’s development. She should know better. You can understand the devastation of a parent like psych therapist Emma Kenny, who tweeted…

“Just found out my son’s college has decided to carry on with mask wearing. This is disgraceful! What happened to teaching kids resilience to helping them understand that life comes with risk and equal reward. Another reason why kids’ mental health issues are off the chart!”

She’s correct, of course. But the mask hysterics in the media have continued their propaganda campaign.

The BBC decided today they must keep up their mask zealotry, without examining the evidence that dirty cloths do very little to stop the spread of Covid.

Politically, of course, the SNP have the most to lose from the pandemic ending and life returning to normal. So it’s no surprise to see discredited Scottish Health Secretary Humza Yousaf continuing his dishonest campaign to keep Covid restrictions going.

“Warning from @TheBMA on UK Govt's decision to lift all protective measures in one go. They are expressing particular concern at the removal of face coverings in England (which will remain in place in Scotland). It is why we are taking a phased approach to easing restrictions.”

“The last couple of years have been tough on everyone, and for a lot of people their mental health has suffered. Here are some tips on how to clear your head and help you connect with others while taking care of your mental & physical health.”

When will our leaders learn?

The more you play politics, the more you continue to spread unnecessary terror to your people, the harder the long-term damage is to reverse.