Ukrainian forces defending Kyiv putting up 'incredible resistance' says Heappey

Ukrainian forces defending Kyiv putting up 'incredible resistance' says Heappey
Live stream 1069
Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 26/02/2022

- 07:48

Updated: 14/02/2023

- 11:45

Mr Heappey said the situation was 'very grave' but that the fighting in the capital was so far confined to 'very isolated pockets of Russian special forces and paratroopers'.

Armed Forces Minister James Heappey has said that Ukrainian forces defending Kyiv have been putting up “incredible resistance”.

Mr Heappey said the situation was “very grave” but that the fighting in the capital was so far confined to “very isolated pockets of Russian special forces and paratroopers”.

“The main armoured columns approaching Kyiv are still some way off. That is a testament to the incredible resistance the Ukrainian armoured forces have put up over the last 48 hours or so,” he told Sky News.

“Clearly the Russian plan is to take Kyiv but the reality is that the Ukrainians are thwarting them thus far.

“It looks like the Russian plan is nowhere near running to schedule.

“I think that will be a great cause of concern for President Putin and rather points to the fact that there was a lot of hubris in the Russian plan and that he may be awfully advised.”

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