A woman shares how she shed 8st 8lb and kept the weight off with a key diet change

A woman shares how she shed 8st 8lb and kept the weight off with a key diet change

An expert discusses the best exercises for weight loss

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 18/05/2024

- 06:00

A woman shared the diet plan changes she made to transform her physique

A slimmer dropped more than eight stone after being overweight her entire life.

She managed to lose fat while building lean muscle as she changed her diet and exercise regime.

Kristine decided to make a change when her weight crept above 19 stone. She managed to lose 3st 7lb by herself but soon hit a wall.

It was at that time she enlisted the help of a coach with Working Against Gravity, who educated her on how to fuel her body and get her nutrition in check.

Woman before / after weight loss

She shared her incredible weight loss journey

Working Against Gravity

Kristine's daily calorie targets ranged between 1,900 and 2,330 and she kept her macro split the same with 30 per cent protein, 40 per cent carbohydrates and 30 per cent fat.

Her nutrition coach suggested she eat high protein with a moderate intake of carbs and fats. Protein is vital when trying to build muscle and lose weight.

High-protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, tofu, beans and legumes can help dieters feel fuller while eating nutritious whole foods.

"My amazing WAG coach Brittany provided me the tools, guidance and push to lose another 50 pounds and by summer 2018 at the age of 37, I was the leanest and strongest I’ve ever been in my life.

"Physically, I knew how to fuel my body to both feel and look good. Mentally, I still had a lot of work to do. Turns out, losing the weight was the 'easy' part. I put easy in quotes because anyone who loses a significant amount of weight knows how much work and dedication it takes.

"However, for me, weight loss maintenance and making the necessary mental changes has been the most challenging. Years and years of bad habits and poor mindset don’t change overnight."

High protein foods

​The slimmer ate more high-protein foods to lose weight 


Kristine worked with Brittany to improve her relationship with food and she discovered coping methods to cope with cravings when she was feeling stressed.

She added: "With Brittany by my side off and on over the last five years, I have overcome those challenges and accomplished something that many don’t - maintaining my significant weight loss for over five years.

"These days, I’m not as lean as I was in 2018, but Brittany has helped me to establish habits that are sustainable for life, to focus on consistency instead of perfection and to love myself enough to know I deserve the healthy, fit version of me. I am incredibly happy and proud of the current version of myself."

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