Suella Braverman branded ‘author of Tory psychodrama’ in brilliant analysis by Alastair Stewart

Suella Braverman branded ‘author of Tory psychodrama’ in brilliant analysis by Alastair Stewart
GB News
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 15/11/2023

- 16:51

Updated: 15/11/2023

- 17:08

Alastair Stewart says Suella Braverman 'played into Labour's hands' with her letter to Sunak

GB News Contributor and broadcasting legend Alastair Stewart has called former Home Secretary Suella Braverman the "author of the latest Tory psychodrama", following the fallout of her sacking.

Rishi Sunak fired the former Home Secretary on Monday morning, following Braverman's comments on pro-Palestinian marches and accusing the Metropolitan Police of "playing favourites" with their handling of protests.

In a brutal three page letter to Sunak, Braverman said the Prime Minister had "repeatedly failed" to deliver on "every single one" of his key policies.

Braverman also accused Sunak of "betrayal", following the appointment of her replacement James Cleverly, and a cabinet reshuffle which saw former Prime Minister Lord David Cameron return to frontline politics as Foreign Secretary.

Alastair Stewart appears on GB News

Alastair Stewart says Suella Braverman 'played into Labour's hands' with her letter to Sunak

GB News

Rishi Sunak vowed to create a "strong and united" new cabinet, which will "demonstrate to the country that we're making progress on the priorities that I set out".

Sunak added he is "confident" that his new team can "halve inflation, grow the economy, reduce debt, cut waiting lists and to stop the boats".

Reacting to the reshuffle and the further division within the Conservative Party, Stewart told GB News of the latest "psychodrama" this week's events has created.

Speaking to Martin Daubney, Stewart said Braverman has "played perfectly into Labour's hands", and that the current opinion polls on the current UK government are "genuinely nightmarish".

Stewart continued: "It allows people like Lisa Nandy to say frankly you're looking at the author of the latest Tory psychodrama, and I suspect that she is absolutely on the money.

"One thing struck me during the conversation you were having earlier on about the Supreme Court ruling, and that is that it is really really important, the high drama of David Cameron unexpectedly coming back into government, of Suella departing, being sacked as Home Secretary.

"James Cleverly, who recently came out top of the hit parade in the Tory Home website's opinion poll, of who party members rate as members of the cabinet. He came out absolutely on top.

"And he's now Home Secretary wrestling with all of this Rwanda stuff, his immigration stuff. And I just think it's worth underlining that you've now got grown-ups in the room, which is what a lot of people have been saying secretly."

Suella Braverman

Suella Braverman was sacked as Home Secretary on Monday


Analysing the appointments of James Cleverly and David Cameron in more detail, Stewart said: "You've got a former Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly as Home Secretary having his two penneth. You've got Dave Cameron, a former Prime Minister having his two penneth.

"And James and Dave will both be saying to Rishi, look, we've got to get this right. We've got to be within the law. We've just lost within the law and we've got to have a policy that works. Let's sit down with the Rwandas again. Let's strike a new deal.

"I don't think you'll get any support from Dave Cameron for the short, sharp fix for which I think there is a strong appetite within the party in the country to come out of the Convention on human Rights and put the lawyers back in their boxes.

"So I think Cameron and Cleverly have got really important part to play in this statement."

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