Rishi Sunak admits flights to Rwanda will not take off until AFTER the election

Rishi Sunak admits flights to Rwanda will not take off until AFTER the election

WATCH: Sunak speaks to GB News about the general election

Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 23/05/2024

- 08:32

Updated: 23/05/2024

- 08:37

The Prime Minister yesterday announced that an election will be held on July 4

Rishi Sunak has admitted flights to Rwanda will not take off until after the election.

While he said the "first flights will go in July", he caveated: "If I’m re-elected as Prime Minister on July 5, these flights will go, we will get our Rwanda scheme up and running."

The Prime Minister yesterday announced that an election will be held on July 4.

Speaking to LBC, he conceded that the flights will not take off until "after the election", but added: "The preparation work has already gone on."

\u200bThe Prime Minister

The Prime Minister yesterday announced that an election will be held on July 4.


Giving a statement from Downing Street yesterday, Sunak called a general election, saying "now is the moment for Britain to choose its future".

Addressing the nation in the pouring rain, the Prime Minister vowed he has “never and will never leave the people of this country to face the darkest of days alone”.

Sunak was forced to defend his decision to call the election, amid speculation Tory rebels could look to oust him ahead of polling day.

Speaking to GB News from Derbyshire this morning, Sunak said: “If you look at what has happened over the last few weeks, it’s clear the economy has turned a corner.

“The economy and economic stability is the foundation of what we want to achieve as a country. Inflation is now back to normal, wages are rising and energy bills are falling.

"That gives us the opportunity to talk properly about the future. I am clear that it’s only me and the Conservatives that has got a clear plan and that is how we’re going to be delivering a secure future for this country.”

Conservative MPs are said to be working on a plot to call off the general election by replacing Rishi Sunak as Tory leader, GB News understands.

There is a plot underway before Parliament is dissolved next Thursday.

One rebel Tory MP has told GB News he believes "several" more letters of no confidence in Sunak have been submitted to 1922 chairman Sir Graham Brady.


Giving a statement from Downing Street yesterday, Sunak called a general election for July 4, saying "now is the moment for Britain to choose its future".


The MP told GB News: "Today has clearly been an absolute disaster but the election is NOT irrevocable; up until the point of the Dissolution of Parliament - when the writs are moved to begin the contests, it can still be aborted.

"In other words, if enough Tory MPs, who are clearly going to lose their seats in this already utterly shambolic campaign, write to Sir Graham Brady, tomorrow , the election could still be revoked."

One Conservative MP told GB News: "This is a disaster - he is condemning the Tory party to election oblivion.”

Another added: "This is absolute madness. The launch was a farce."

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