There are two genders, male and female, and anything in between is still a combination of the two, says Nana Akua

nana akua gender binary
Nana Akua

By Nana Akua

Published: 11/02/2023

- 16:52

I am sick to my back teeth of this gender pronoun minefield..

I am sick to my back teeth of this gender pronoun minefield.

There’s only one of Him, but he’s apparently non-binary. Which I have come to understand, the reason it’s plural, is because he is both male and female.

They... which is in my view a bit ridiculous, because every human being on earth is made up by a male and a female, ie an egg and a sperm. Why has this become such an obsession?

So the other day that the question being asked was whether God is non-binary.

Really, does it matter, surely God is in your head and is whatever you want it to be? The discussion was whether we now need to change the words and use non-binary terms or androgynous, so certain prayers would be updated.

To be fair I think the church of England has a lot more to deal with than whether or not God is non-binary. Like historical sexual child abuse and its lack of acceptance of LGBT people.

Rather than addressing whether or not God is non-binary, perhaps it could address the question of a Caucasian Jesus, which given the back story doesn’t really make much sense.

To date there are now 78 gender pronouns.

The Church of England may no longer make reference to God's gender
The Church of England may no longer make reference to God's gender
Jonathan Brady

Its Herself Peirself, that’s just made up, it’s nonsense. I’m sorry but I would struggle with some of these.

Politicians like Nicola sturgeon have managed to get themselves into a God awful mess, pardon the pun, with her Gender Reform Bill that looks like it’s on the scrap heap.

It would have made it easier for people like rapist Adam whatshisface, to play the system. He was foolishly put in a female jail when he decided to identify as a woman at the last minute and become a she, her... Seriously.

It seems perfectly supposedly intelligent people are coming a cropper with this claptrap and with prominent events like the Brits going gender neutral, it's not helping anyone.

Nana Akua has criticised the Church of England over its stance on God's gender
Nana Akua has criticised the Church of England over its stance on God's gender
Image: GB News

This made up diatribe has to stop. I for one did not agree to these made up words and the ever increasing number of them.

Not only does it not make sense but in many instances it makes a mockery of the English Language.

There are two genders, male and female, and anything in between is still a combination of the two. That’s it folks, deal with it.