Patrick Christys: ‘People are coming forward to reveal what they call ‘a cocaine culture’ in Parliament’

06 Patrick Christy mono
Patrick Christys

By Patrick Christys

Published: 06/12/2021

- 12:34

Updated: 14/02/2023

- 11:02

GB News presenter Patrick Christys says most people would 'rather the heads of criminal drug gangs were arrested and charged than recreational drug users' in Priti Patel's drug crackdown.

Boris Johnson and Priti Patel are clamping down on middle-class drug users. They are coming up with new ways to clamp down on people who use recreational drugs, or ‘lifestyle drugs’ like cocaine.

Some of these new measures include encouraging anyone caught with an illegal substance to go on a drug awareness course, and, if they refuse, they may have their ‘lives interfered with’. So they might have their passports taken off them, or their driving licenses.

This is on top of the fact that just simply by getting caught with an illegal substance and getting a criminal record, they might not be able to find another job, or travel to countries like America and Australia.

Apparently Priti Patel is also considering creating a system that, whenever the phone of a drug dealer is confiscated, every single number saved in that phone gets a message from the police.

It goes without saying that people shouldn’t do drugs, they are illegal at the end of the day and they have the potential to do massive harm to the lives of those people who take them and those around them. Family members, etc…or even the victims of car crashes where the person behind the wheel was high.

But this is absolutely ludicrous from the government.

Our Home Secretary had this to say about recreational drug users - ‘Their actions are directly leading to an increase in violent crime and people dying – but they pay no price. That will change.’

What about slashing police numbers by tens of thousands, then barely replacing them?

What about pre-occupying the police with draconian lockdown laws instead of instructing them to clamp down on knife and gun crime?

What about the destruction of child protection services so children who are flagged up as being vulnerable to gang crime simply aren’t looked after?

Boris Johnson said that middle-class drug users will now have ‘nowhere to hide’. Well I think there potentially is somewhere to hide actually – Parliament.

Sniffer dogs may be deployed in parliament now because drug use is, allegedly, rife. Traces of cocaine were found in 11 bathrooms on the Parliamentary estate – these included bathrooms close to the private offices of Boris Johnson and Priti Patel.

Many of the bathrooms tested were only accessible to people who hold a parliamentary pass. There are about 19,000 pass-holders but most have not been coming in during the Covid pandemic.

And now people are coming forward to reveal what they call ‘a cocaine culture’ in Parliament – ‘I have seen an MP openly snorting cocaine at a party’ one said.

FOI requests have previously revealed that two drug dealers were arrested and 13 people were detained for drugs possession on or around the estate in the last year.

So, here we go again, do as I say not as I do from our ruling class. We’ve had the whole Coronavirus hypocrisy – there are still rumblings that there may have been Christmas bashes in Downing Street whilst we were all being kept apart from our families.

I think most people would rather the heads of criminal drug gangs and the violent thugs they send out onto the streets to do their bidding were arrested and charged, not someone called Paul who dabbles once or twice a year at a party, who has his life ruined by a new policy dreamt up in a building where there are strong allegations that drug use is absolutely rampant.