Net zero is a money-making CON...But we have one politician who will push back against it - Adam Brooks
GB News
Adam Brooks is a regular GB News contributor, boxer and publican
Now, if you speak to most people, they will agree that we need to be greener and more appreciative of our planet and our surroundings.
When I chat with customers in my pub, friends or family members, not one has an issue with doing their bit when it comes to recycling, using less waste, maybe educating our kids on the needless use of plastics and littering etc, I certainly know at home, I'm forever going round turning lights off when the kids have left them on or turning off TV's or gaming consoles that they just seem to think turn themselves off.
But this sinister net zero agenda goes too far; it's putting us at risk of blackouts and sky-high energy bills and putting us back decades with how we can use electricity and when.
I get that electric cars suit some; I get that they have a place now and in the future, but one - our National Grid could never cope with everyone charging their cars, and two - the infrastructure for mass charging will never be there in the next 10-15 years. It's impossible.
What happens to those in old apartment blocks or those who don't have a drive or car spaces at home?
This rush to push an alternative to petrol and diesel will be a disaster, all to tick impossible net zero targets and all without clear evidence that it will make any difference to the climate going forward.
Then we have the heat pump farce; the Labour Government are going to push through legislation forcing new homes to use these, again, they don't come without problems, with many users complaining of higher bills, noise pollution and the inability of the pump to heat their house properly. Now, if you mention this online, you're attacked as some monster that wants the planet to burn, these people are climate fanatics who lap up all the doom-mongering.
How about the wind farms? The amount of concrete, metal and pollution produced from making just one turbine is astronomical, but people are not told this, they just assume these things magically appear and produce free electricity, they soon realise that the wind doesn't always blow in this country!
One thing about the last Conservative Government was that Rishi Sunak and co were starting to see sense and just how damaging Net Zero targets were becoming to this country.
We started to be told about the importance of mini nuclear reactors for our energy security and Rishi started to roll back crazy net zero timelines, but then the election happened and a climate cult figure came to the fore: Ed Miliband. Suddenly, there was no talk of nuclear - but why?
God help us... and I'm not even religious, we need Donald Trump to push back hard on the climate change fearmongering and bring some sense back pretty quickly, or life as we know it is about to change fast and not for the better. Net zero is a con, a money-making, controlling con and a dangerous one at that.