Hamas' long-term plans involving the West which could have DEVASTATING impact on Israel- expert's warning

Hamas' long-term plans involving the West which could have DEVASTATING impact on Israel- expert's warning

John Hannah

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 01/03/2024

- 15:03

Updated: 01/03/2024

- 16:14

John Hannah from the Jewish Institute for National Security from America joined Jacob Rees-Mogg on GBN America

Hamas’ long-term plans could have chilling ramifications for the West and a devastating impact on Israel, according to an expert.

John Hannah from the Jewish Institute for National Security from America joined Jacob Rees-Mogg on GBN America to discuss the ongoing conflict.

He believes that should pushes for a ceasefire continue, there could be damaging implications down the road for the West and Israel.

“Iran and Hamas, when they start out on these genocidal adventures, they are betting that our attention will be diverted”, he said.

John Hannah wants Israel to deal with Hamas now


“Diverted by the pictures appearing on Al Jazeera, TikTok and on other social media feeds, dominated of course by platforms loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood, towards the Iranians, towards the progressive Left.

“They think it will put sufficient pressure and the West will lose our breath and beg for short term, relief and mercy.

IsraelHamas began their attacks on Israel on October 7 2023Reuters

“It’s in exchange for a long term price that will be paid down the road and in much higher cost in blood and treasure.”

Calls for a ceasefire have spilt onto the streets of Britain in recent months with regular protests taking place.

Western officials like US President Joe Biden have added their names to those calling for a sustainable ceasefire, with hopes for a deal between Hamas and Israel ramping up.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s administration supports an immediate pause in the fighting between Israel and Hamas to allow hostages to be released and for aid to enter the territory.

No 10 says any ceasefire would come with conditions, including that Hamas — the Palestinian militant group that carried out the deadly raids on Israel on October 7 that sparked the war — can no longer be in charge of the Gaza Strip, to ensure it is sustainable.

Nearly 30,000 Palestinians have been killed after almost five months of Israel’s war in the Gaza Strip, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Hannah is hopeful that Israel will continue trying to flush out Hamas terrorists to secure long term peace in the region.

“The fact this war has gone on for four months, as someone who worked for the US government for almost 20 years I find surprising”, he said.

“We are now, through a combination of international and domestic pressures, putting this pressure on Israel for a ceasefire.

“I hope Israel knows what it needs to do. I think the Israeli people are united in that it can’t allow Hamas to carry on on the border.”

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