NASA releases bombshell UFO report for first time: ‘There’s missing UAP data’

David Spergel

David Spergel has given an update on NASA's UFO progress

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 14/09/2023

- 16:01

Updated: 14/09/2023

- 17:49

The space agency has released findings from its much anticipated study

Nasa has released findings from its much anticipated study on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) findings.

The space agency announced last year that evidence was being reviewed for UAPs, after years of the subject being shunned by mainstream science.

While the subject has prompted interest from the public for years, Nasa had previously performed little research on the topic.

This comes despite cases leading to the heart of Government, including a UFO whistleblower giving evidence to US Congress last month, claiming he had witnessed “nonhuman” aircraft.


Speaking to reporters, the study team’s chair David Spergel admitted that a “stigma” has prevented members of the public from reporting UAPs, which has contributed to a limited amount of data to work from.

“NASA provides a comprehensive picture of the ocean, the surface of the atmosphere, but they do not have the resolution needed typically for UAP events”, he said.

NASA given un update on their UFO research


“The current approach to UAP data collection has led to limited events and limited data.

“Stigma has limited reporting by pilots, both civilian and military, so we know there is limited data.”

Spergel was keen to clarify that UAPs do not necessarily only cover extraterrestrial sightings.

He added that UAP events collated so far “lack high-quality data”, and Nasa are therefore working to ensure this is not the case going forward.

Close up of the alleged alien

The 'alien remains' in Mexico have three fingers and an elongated cranium


AI tools will be crucial in ensuring this becomes the new reality, he added.

“Our UAP has led to several crucial findings”, Spergel commented.

“It is essential to clarify that based on our current findings, we find no evidence to suggest that UAP are extraterrestrial in origin.

“Most events are explainable as planes, drones, balloons, weather phenomenon.”

The space agency are keen to shift the conversation from “sensationalism to science” when it comes to UAPs, according to administrator Bill Nelson.

He also promised a “transparent” approach to the topic, stressing the public will play an important role in the research.

The one and only public meeting this year saw the independent team conclude that there is no overwhelming evidence of extraterrestrial life.

The 16-member group assessed unclassified data in a bid to better understand unexplained sightings, with top-secret files off limits to them.

It comes as the alleged remains of ‘alien corpses’ were displayed to the public in Mexico.

Politicians and the press were given an in-person viewing during a congressional meeting in Mexico City.

The bizarre ‘remains’ appear to show what looks like a humanoid figure but with only three fingers.

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