VIDEO: Moment 15-year-old migrant tries to break into Britain as French 'overwhelmed' with numbers attempting to get to UK

Migrants attempting to clamber onto trucks in Calais
GB News
Migrants attempting to clamber onto trucks in Calais
French police officers have told GB News they are “overwhelmed” by the scale of the migrant crisis in northern France and are “struggling to make a meaningful impact” on those trying to cross to the UK by small boat and inside lorries.
Although UK politicians are fixated on the very visible and high-profile small boats crisis, thousands of migrants are still risking their lives to sneak onto the back of trucks.
GB News filmed as migrants waited near road junctions and roundabouts, where lorries are forced to slow down, looking for any opportunity to climb onboard.
After dark, the problem is far worse, with many more migrants heading for lorry parks around the port.
In one lorry park on the outskirts of Calais, around two dozen young men, mainly from Sudan, were waiting in the shadows.
Every time a new lorry parked up, within minutes it was surrounded by migrants, checking the back doors and probing for weak spots to climb inside.
One young migrant told us he arrived in Calais two months ago, and most days he attempted to board lorries.
LATEST DEVELOPMENTS:GB News filmed as migrants waited near road junctions and roundabouts
GB News
So far, each attempt has been discovered, either by the driver, or by security personnel at the port.
But he said he was determined to continue trying, knowing that eventually, he stood a good chance of making it to the UK.
As we filmed, the migrants suddenly started running, scattering, as an unmarked police car entered the lorry park.
Talking to the two officers inside the vehicle, they told us they were “completely overwhelmed” by the scale of the migrant crisis here.
One young migrant told GB News he arrived in Calais two months ago, and most days he attempted to board lorries
GB News
The small boats problem gets most of the attention and millions of pounds of UK Government payments to the French each year.
But the officers said that lorry smuggling, involving mainly young African men, was a major problem here.
They said there were simply too many locations and too many migrants trying to board lorries, which had left them “struggling to make any meaningful impact” and “only able to mount passing patrols”.
Migrant after migrant told us they were determined to reach London, including 15-year-old Majid from Sudan.
As the lorry drove off, GB News spotted a migrant hiding on the roof of the trailer
GB News
After speaking to us, he and his friends surrounded another truck, newly arrived in the lorry park.
The driver spotted them and told them there was no point in trying to climb aboard, as he was heading to Belgium.
But the migrants were clearly not convinced.
As that lorry drove off, we spotted Majid hiding on the roof of the trailer.
As we caught up with the lorry further down the motorway, the driver had spotted Majid and another young migrant, and pulled over on the hard shoulder, where the two teenagers jumped off
GB News
As we caught up with the lorry further down the motorway, the driver had spotted Majid and another young migrant, and pulled over on the hard shoulder, where the two teenagers jumped off.
These migrants are dicing with death. Others have been killed on the roads around Calais in recent months.
But Majid and his fellow migrants are undeterred, determined that they will eventually make it past the security checks and all the way to the UK.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are relentless in our pursuit of those who seek to enter the UK illegally and stand ready to respond to all methods deployed by people-smuggling gangs, including lorries and other clandestine routes.
“Our extensive security measures include robust, specialist measures from Border Force who work closely with our international partners.
“Since the start of the year, Immigration Enforcement have also arrested over 230 people-smugglers, leading to 160 years in sentences.”