'Vote Remain' Bell and Spurling release Nigel Farage I'm A Celeb video
GB News
An exclusive first-look for GB News members!
Bell and Spurling's new music video backing Nigel Farage in the I'm A Celeb jungle can now be watched early - exclusively for GB News members.
The exclusive early release for GB News members can be watched below, before it is broadcast to the wider GB News audience.
GB News Editorial Director Michael Booker said: “Bell and Spurling are the sound of Nigel ‘at large’ and you can’t get more ‘at large’ than roaming the Aussie jungle.
“But it’s not good enough roaming about keeping the camp’s pots and pans clean – we want him to clean up…and win the whole thing!
“Vote Nigel to Remain and make him the King of the Jungle!”