Burn belly fat by swapping one type of food for an alternative that 'helps instead of hinders your six-pack'
Swapping refined carbohydrates for healthier versions
Swapping one type of carbohydrate for another could help you lose belly fat
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Exercise can help define your midriff, but a good diet is the most important thing for melting away the fat.
Carbohydrates are often demonised when it comes to weight loss, but an expert suggested that only one type of carb should be avoided.
Speaking to GB News, fitness expert Daniel Herman, from Bio-Synergy, said nutrition and exercise go hand in hand, and refined carbohydrates are best avoided when trying to burn belly fat.
He said: "As I’m sure you all aware there’s not much point in beating yourself on the track or in the gym if your going to stuff your face soon after.
Refined carbohydrates can make you more likely to store fat
"So [the goal] is simple, cut out or heavily minimise the number one group of food that is making the western world fat, sleepy and sluggish. That is refined carbohydrates."
He listed examples of refined carbohydrates people often reach for and may not even realise they are unhealthy.
Refined carbohydrates: Breakfast cereals, crisps, energy drinks, biscuits, cakes, muffins, pastries, the vast majority of breads, bagels, chocolate, pasta (wheat-based), donuts, cookies, pancakes, waffles, pizza bases, tortillas and fast foods.
The expert said consuming too much of these types of food can spike insulin levels, which can lead to fat being stored more easily.
It can also leave people low on energy. Daniel added: "Around 85 per cent of carbohydrates we consume are refined.
"Weight loss is about controlling insulin levels, not the amount of fat in the diet. Refined carbs produce the most intense insulin spikes, which unquestionably lead to high blood sugar levels and fat to be stored."
Cutting these types of food from your diet will help you store less fat, especially around the middle of your body.
Leafy greens are a healthier source of carbs
GETTYInstead, fill up on carbohydrates that will give you energy without the crash, such as vegetables.
The expert concluded: "By reducing these refined carbohydrates you are preventing fat from being stored.
"Stick to more colourful carbohydrates such as spinach, broccoli and peppers for your carbohydrate intake, raw and organic where possible.
"These hold mountains more nutrients and keep your blood sugars steady, helping instead of hindering your six-pack."