Biden administration has weaponised Navalny's death to raise aid for Ukraine - Lauren Chen

Biden administration has weaponised Navalny's death to raise aid for Ukraine - Lauren Chen

Biden administration has weaponised Navalny's death to raise aid for Ukraine - Lauren Chen

GB News
Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 24/02/2024

- 10:33

Since February 2022 the U.S. has committed some $44.2 billion worth of materiel to Ukraine, over half of the more than $85 billion in security assistance

Political commentator Lauren Chen has claimed the Biden administration has "weaponised" Navalny's death to raise more funding for Ukraine.

Since February 2022 the U.S. has committed some $44.2 billion worth of material to Ukraine, over half of the more than $85 billion in security assistance.

Speaking to GBN America Chen: "I think for someone in Trump's situation where he is not currently a a sitting president, he has no more access to Intel than the average person. I think it was a pretty reasonable statement.

"I know this might raise some questions amongst your viewers, but I'm personally looking at the way that the Biden administration has weaponised the violent death as a way to attempt to fundraise more aid to Ukraine.

"And I'm starting to wonder, is this a little bit convenient?

Lauren Chen

Lauren Chen spoke about the money that the US is sending to Ukraine

GBN America

"I'm not sure. We look at what happened with the Nord Stream pipeline. I wouldn't put it past the CIA to, let's just say, take action themselves to shore up support for America's participation in the war in Ukraine.

"I mean moving on to Trump, I think he very reasonably tries to compare the situation in Russia which we can all agree is not an alright one if you're persecuting political dissidents.

"And was trying to use the situation to shine a light on the United States. Because I know warhawks like Nikki Haley, they love to focus internationally.

"They care so much about what is going on outside of America's borders. But I think a lot of people who feel represented by Trump, they're looking at Russia and they're thinking well, is that really that much different than what we are seeing in the United States.

"Don't forget we are still looking at January 6th defendants who are in jail who are being held for trumped up charges.

BidenJoe Biden is the current US president PA

"We also have the likes of Derek Chauvin whose trial was political. Again, Trump himself is going through all these legal motions as well as some of his former associates that people like Jenna Ellis because of, this allegation of election interference.

"I agree with Donald Trump that the death is terrible and should be condemned. But also what is going on within America's borders is are much more pressing issues for the American people.

Patrick Christys then asked: " Do Americans now feel as though they still have a duty to support Ukraine? Where are you guys on this?"

Chen explained: "Speaking to the average American, and especially online, you can hear people's voices loud and clear. They are tired of the gravy train for Ukraine."

Patrick Christys, Lauren Chen

Lauren claimed that Biden 'weaponised' the death of Navalny

GBN America

"That's not any slide against the Ukrainian people who everyones our hearts go out to them, seeing what's happening to their country.

"At the same time the American taxpayer has plenty of other financial obligations and seeing Congress pass billions and billions of dollars to send overseas, it's frustrating for the American taxpayer.

"I think there are a lot of families that are going to be looking at the amount of money that they're sending the government and instead of maybe thinking 'well at least this is going to our Social Security, at least this is paving our roads going to support our veterans.'

A lot of people are going to be looking, I think with some very well-earned resentment knowing that a good chunk of that money is going overseas to align the pockets of the military-industrial complex for a war that a lot of a lot of Americans think we shouldn't even be involved in, in the 1st place."

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