Russia 'unleashing hell' on Ukraine: Air raid sirens ring out in several cities as Putin's missiles rain down

Russia 'unleashing hell' on Ukraine: Air raid sirens ring out in several cities as Putin's missiles rain down
Ukraine Children full
Aden-Jay Wood

By Aden-Jay Wood

Published: 28/02/2022

- 08:07

Russian air strikes hit five Ukrainian cities overnight

The ominous sound of air raid sirens rang out across several Ukrainian cities overnight as Vladimir Putin continues to ramp up the “large-scale invasion” on his neighbour.

The attack has now entered its fifth day with Russia continuing its attempts to take over the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

Overnight, further air strikes have hit the country's capital, as well as Zhytomyr, Zaporizhzhia, Chernihiv and Kharkiv, as fears mount that Putin could soon deploy even more forces to remove the country’s leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

As a result of the increased threat on Kharkiv, a curfew has been imposed on the people occupying the eastern city.

While Kyiv remains on high alert, Russian forces on the ground still remain some 30km away from the capital, Britain's Defence Ministry said.

The Ministry added: "Logistical failures and staunch Ukrainian resistance continue to frustrate the Russian advance."

Mr Putin put nuclear forces on high alert on Sunday amid ongoing tensions with the west over the invasion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the construction site of the National Space Agency on the premises of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Centre, in Moscow, Russia February 27, 2022. Sputnik/Sergey Guneev/Kremlin via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY.
Vladimir Putin has put Russian nuclear forces on high alert

But Prime Minister Boris Johnson believes his comments were simply "a distraction from the reality of what's going on in Ukraine,”

Mr Johnson also hailed Ukraine for “fighting back ... with more resistance than the Kremlin had bargained for".

As the war rages on, Ukraine has tentatively agreed to sit down with Russia near the Belarusian border in an attempt to put an end to the violence.

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