RMT boss Mick Lynch CONGRATULATES members for rail strike CHAOS

RMT boss Mick Lynch CONGRATULATES members for rail strike CHAOS
Mick Lynch Strikes 14 Dec
Carl Bennett

By Carl Bennett

Published: 15/12/2022

- 10:35

Updated: 14/02/2023

- 10:26

The strike by rail workers has been “solidly supported,” according to the union.

The Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) workers union has congratulated its 40,000 members for their efforts during 48-hour strikes which has caused national chaos for passengers.

The railways were forced to a standstill, with many commuters still feeling the effects today, and with further industrial action coming tomorrow, the winter of discontent will continue.

The strike by rail workers has been “solidly supported,” according to the union.

Picket lines were mounted outside railway stations across the country, with strikers saying they received strong support from members of the public.

Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) stands at a picket line outside Euston station, as rail workers strike over pay and terms, in London
Mick Lynch, General Secretary of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) stands at a picket line outside Euston station, as rail workers strike over pay and terms, in London
Toby Melville

More strikes are planned in the coming weeks over pay, jobs and conditions, threatening huge disruption to trains in the busy run up to Christmas.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch, who reportedly earns more than £84,000, is due to hold another meeting on Thursday with employers and the Government although there is little sign of a breakthrough in the bitter row.

Mr Lynch said: “I congratulate RMT members who have shown enormous dignity and rock-solid fortitude throughout this 48-hour strike.

“They have shown how important their work is to the functioning of the economy and wider society.

“All they want is a negotiated settlement on job security, a decent pay rise and good working conditions.

“And they are determined to continue their industrial campaign until an agreed resolution is achieved.

“Multimillion pound train companies are once again indemnified for any losses suffered through strike action.

“If all 16 days of action go ahead, over £300 million will have been spent by the taxpayer to ensure they suffer no financial detriment."

GB News

He added: “The cost-of-living crisis is accelerating out of control and the trade union movement is stepping up to the plate across multiple industries to protect workers.

“We send our heartfelt solidarity to the nurses and their union the RCN on their historic strike tomorrow, along with our heroic postal workers who are striking on issues very similar to our own.

“Unity in our movement is now more vital than ever with the ramping up of attacks from the Government.

“The rich have never been richer, and millions are struggling to feed themselves or heat their homes this winter.

“There needs to be a rebalancing of society where workers that create the wealth are rewarded properly for their endeavours and that will help create a happier and more prosperous country.”

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