Houseplants 'size up significantly' with help of support system that encourages 'really nice large leaves'
Stakes are beneficial for plants with weaker stems
A plant enthusiast has claimed the accessory is essential for significant growth
Most people know how to keep plants in good nick, but growing large and mature leaves requires more than just water and sunlight.
According to plant expert @thesydneyplantguy, four essential strategies are necessary for achieving spectacularly large foliage.
The key approaches focus on plant selection, lighting, support systems and root development, the content creator revealed in a recent clip.
The first crucial strategy, according to plant aficionado, is selecting plants with genuine growth potential.
The TikToker recommends choosing a plant with significant growth potential
GETTY / TIKTOK / @thesydneyplantguy
“Choose the right plants,” he said. “Not all plants even have the potential to size up significantly. I like to grow climbing aroids."
Before making a purchase, the TikToker advised research online to see if others have successful grown the plant to maturity.
“Do a bit of research online and see if other people manage to grow their plant to maturity and if that is the case, then chances are, you can do it too," he said.
Light also plays a vital role in plant maturation, according to the expert. He noted: "In nature, these plants would climb up trees and as they climb up the tree they get access to more light.
“Light really sets the potential for these plants to mature. Of you’re not providing them with sufficient light they will never size up."
The third key strategy focuses on providing proper support for plant growth, according to @thesydneyplantguy.
“I provide with a support stake to climb up, that signals to the plant that it’s time to mature," he shared.
The final strategy emphasises the importance of extensive root systems for producing larger leaves.
“Number four, roots," noted the plant expert. "For a plant to grow really nice large leaves, it needs to have a huge root system so it can absorb water and nutrients.
“My plants aren’t just on a support stake, they’re on moss poles, and moss poles are a vertical extension of the pot.
"So the majority of the root system is actually within the moss pole."
These gardening props allow for root attachment which strengthen the plant and make for a more attractive growth habit.
Because of the absorptive texture of moss, keeping the pole moist allows wines another source of water when they're fully attached to the support.