Hamas hostages could be freed in days with Israel on brink of deal to return those taken in terror attack

Photographs of some of those taken hostage by Hamas during their recent attacks are seen on October 18, 2023

Photographs of some of those taken hostage by Hamas during their recent attacks are seen on October 18, 2023

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 20/11/2023

- 07:43

Updated: 20/11/2023

- 07:51

The deal could also halt fighting in Gaza for five-days amid calls for humanitarian aid to be pumped into the Strip

Up to 50 hostages abducted by Hamas terrorists could be freed in days following US-brokered negotiations, Israel has claimed.

Negotiations between Israel and Hamas could result in “dozens of women and children” being released in “exchange for a five-day pause to fighting” in Gaza.

However, the release of draft agreement documents come after Israel’s military chief signed off plans to extend the Gazan offensive on Sunday.

Israel Defence Forces are expected to push south as the campaign to destroy Hamas continues.

WATCH NOW: GB News discuss the potential release of hostages

The imminent southern advance has been described as pivotal for both civilians trapped in the territory.

But Benjamin Netanyahu is also seen as needing a successful offensive as the Israeli Prime Minister looks to maintain diplomatic support amid growing calls for a ceasefire and aid.

Michael Herzog, Israel’s ambassador to the US, told American media on Sunday: “I’m hopeful we can have a deal in the coming days.”

A senior White House official claimed the “vast majority” of the abductees were “most likely” alive and that “significant progress” in negotiations had been achieved.

Hamas militants are seen during a military show in the Bani Suheila district

Hamas militants are seen during a military show in the Bani Suheila district


Jonathan Finer, the White House’s deputy national security adviser, also said negotiations had reached a “sensitive stage”, adding: “We’re following this minute by minute, hour by hour, and have been over a number of weeks.”

He continued: “Some of the issues, whether it was disagreements, have now been either narrowed or an understanding has been reached, but it is not complete, it is not everything.”

Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani echoed Washington’s optimism, claiming only “minor” details remained unsolved.

Negotiations, which have been taking place in Qatar, would allow more humanitarian assistance to reach Gaza.

Smoke plumes billow during Israeli air strikes in Gaza City

Smoke plumes billow during Israeli air strikes in Gaza City


Hamas, which the UK proscribed as a terrorist organisation, abducted around 240 Israeli hostages and killed 1,200 people during its atrocious October 7 attack.

More than 11,000 people have been killed in Gaza following the IDF’s response, the Hamas-run Health Ministry has claimed.

Reports about a potential agreement come after Israeli military released CCTV seemingly showing Hamas terrorists bringing hostages to the hospital.

The IDF said a captive soldier had been executed and two foreign hostages were held at the site.

“These findings prove that the Hamas terrorist organisation used the Shifa hospital complex on the day of the massacre as terrorist infrastructure”, an IDF statement said.

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