State pension age couple awarded over £1,050 and extra support after 'struggle'

Pensioners look at laptop

Attendance Allowance is paid at two different rates

Jessica Sheldon

By Jessica Sheldon

Published: 05/09/2023

- 11:11

Updated: 11/10/2023

- 16:09

The couple discovered they could claim Attendance Allowance as well as Carer’s Allowance and the state pension age benefit Pension Credit

An elderly couple were awarded more than £1,050 in arrears, after they submitted claims for Attendance Allowance.

Their son, Tom, sought help for his mum, in her late 70s, and his dad, 81, as they were “struggling” to get by.

He said: “My dad’s struggling to manage at home, as well as being the main carer for my mum.

“She’s partially sighted and needs help during the night.”

Pensioners look at tablet and phone

Age UK can help people fill in the Attendance Allowance claim form


Worried about his parents, Tom contacted the charity Age UK’s Advice Line, who put him in touch with his local Age UK.

A volunteer then visited his parents’ home, and helped Tom to fill out the Attendance Allowance claim form for both of his parents.

The claim was successful, with both his mum and his dad able to get financial support.

Tom explained: “As a result, my dad was awarded lower-rate Attendance Allowance and got over £400 back in arrears.

“My mum was awarded the higher-rate Attendance Allowance and she got more than £650 in arrears.”

As well as help with the claim form, the volunteer also checked to see if the couple could get extra support, which it turned out they did qualify for.

Tom said: “The man who came round to help me with the form also gave my parents a full benefits check.

“This meant that they went on to apply for Pension Credit and Carer’s Allowance.”

Pension holds walking stick

Age UK says people could now be eligible for Attendance Allowance even if their claim was rejected in the past


Age UK is urging people not to fall into the trap of believing myths about Attendance Allowance.

This includes the mistaken idea that if a claim was turned down once, there’s no point applying again.

The charity said it could be a person has become eligible for the benefit since then.

Age UK explained: “Your circumstances may have changed since the last time you applied, especially if it was a while ago. If your care needs have grown, you may find you’re now eligible.”

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