Russia confirms use of thermobaric weapons in Ukraine, says UK Ministry of Defence

President Putin
President Putin
Gareth Milner

By Gareth Milner

Published: 09/03/2022

- 18:50

Updated: 09/03/2022

- 19:11

'The Russian MoD has confirmed the use of the TOS-1A weapon system in Ukraine'

The UK Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday the Russian Ministry of Defence had confirmed the use of the TOS-1A weapon system in Ukraine, which uses thermobaric rockets.

"The Russian MoD has confirmed the use of the TOS-1A weapon system in Ukraine," it said on Twitter. "The TOS-1A uses thermobaric rockets, creating incendiary and blast effects."

The weapons are capable of vaporising human bodies and work by sucking in oxygen from surrounding air to generate extremely high-temperate explosions, producing blast waves that last much longer than conventional weapons.

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