Net zero rules for houses spark 'concern' with fears some Britons face £30,000 fines

Rows of houses

New rules which aim to ensure housing meets net zero targets are causing 'much concern' for Britons, a leading property association warns

Georgina Cutler

By Georgina Cutler

Published: 13/07/2023

- 18:50

The UK has committed to an international ambition to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

New rules which aim to ensure housing meets net zero targets are causing “much concern” for Britons, a leading property association warns.

Under new proposals, people will be blocked from letting properties unless they upgrade them to meet net zero energy efficiency targets as soon as 2028.

Landlords could face up to a fine of £30,000 if homes do not have an EPC rating of C or above.

Discussing the impact of the new legislation on the sector, Jonathan Rolande, from the National Association of Property Buyers, said: “The potential imposition of these rules by the government is causing much concern to property owners, landlords especially.

Row of houses

Landlords could face up to a fine of £30,000 if homes do not have an EPC rating of C or above


“The problem is, the costs to reduce energy consumption are usually high and there is very little return on the money spent.

“Landlords can’t really ask for more rent because the walls are insulated and tenants save very little on fuel bills with almost all energy-saving measures.”

He added: “Floor insulation in a small two bedroom house would cost £4000 to £6000 and save £36 a year.

"With financials like this, it is easy to see why, to meet targets, the Government must impose potentially draconian rules and regulations to get us to improve our housing stock and reduce carbon emissions – without them, who would bother?

“Green targets are driving this, not a traditional business case. It will soon be time for landlords to decide whether they stay in the sector or quit now, before things get even more expensive.

"Whether you agree with the targets to improve the nation’s housing stock to meet low carbon targets depends to a great extent on whether you feel that climate change is indeed caused by emissions and whether it should be our top priority or not.

“Compared to the catastrophe of global warming, concerns about house prices may seem trivial. But there is little doubt this will only add to the exodus of landlords we are already seeing.”

The UK has committed to an international ambition to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, however the challenge faces a huge threat as Britain is flooded with old, inefficient properties.

Aerial view of houses

The UK has committed to an international ambition to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050


Economists warn that Government plans to encourage homeowners to upgrade the energy efficiency of their homes will cause a substantial chain reaction on the property market.

With millions of homes expected to be affected, experts fear it will worsen forecast house price falls.

Landlords, already squeezed via the removal of tax breaks and eviction red tape, will be hit hard in particular.

Businesses are also facing the pressure, as similar regulations are introduced for commercial properties.

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