Humza Yousaf caught SMIRKING as Scottish football fans boo national anthem

Humza Yousaf

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf was caught smirking as Scottish football fans booed the national anthem

Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 14/09/2023

- 10:27

Updated: 19/09/2023

- 12:02

Viewers watching the televised game could not hear the national anthem being played as it was drowned out by the sound of booing fans

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf was caught smirking as Scottish football fans booed the UK national anthem.

The SNP chief appeared amused by the hostile reaction to the national anthem, which occurred ahead of Scotland playing England at football in Hampden Park.

Viewers watching the televised game could not hear the national anthem being played as it was drowned out by the sound of booing fans.

But footage from the event showed Yousaf watching the scenes from the main stand, smirking at the carnage.

Harry Kane

England beat Scotland 3-1 in the friendly


The match was arranged as a 'friendly' to commemorate the 150-year anniversary of the two teams first playing each other.

The footage, published in the Scottish Sun, was filmed by an onlooker who was close by.

They said: "Humza Yousaf looked like he was trying to stop himself from bursting out laughing and not really succeeding.

"He appeared to be smirking throughout the entire national anthem. It wasn't really how you would have expected him to react to the booing.

"The sensible thing would have been to maintain a stoney-faced demeanour throughout, in a dignified manner.

"But instead he came across like the cheeky boy at the back of the classroom who had just watched his mate make a face behind the teacher's back."

The onlooker added: "It looked like he was desperate to let out a big guffaw and was trying to conceal it.

"The noise of the booing was deafening and I suppose, in fairness, he found it very awkward.

"He really didn't know how to respond and it showed."

Scottish Conservaitve MSP Murdo Fraser hit out at the First Minister for his failure to "show respect to our Head of State".

He said: "Humza Yousaf has made no secret of the fact that he’s a Republican but, as First Minister of Scotland, he has a duty to show respect to our Head of State and all nations and anthems.

"By apparently smirking while a section of supporters booed God Save the King, he fell short of that."


Humza Yousaf

Yousaf's spokesperson said: "The First Minister was looking forward to the match, end of story"


But hitting back, Yousaf's spokesperson said: "This is a massive over-interpretation by the Conservatives - they ought to have more important things on their mind.

"The First Minister was looking forward to the match, end of story."

England beat Scotland in the friendly by three goals to one.

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