‘Voice of the silent majority!’ Bev Turner staggered as GB News viewers FURIOUS at Suella Braverman sacking

‘Voice of the silent majority!’ Bev Turner staggered as GB News viewers FURIOUS at Suella Braverman sacking

Bev Turner reacts to Suella Braverman's sacking

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 13/11/2023

- 16:04

Updated: 14/11/2023

- 09:32

Rishi Sunak's radical revamp has proven controversial

Bev Turner was left shocked at the sentiments put forward by GB News viewers in reaction to Suella Braverman’s shocking.

Watchers of Britain’s Newsroom had been sending in their reaction to Rishi Sunak’s radical Cabinet reshuffle.

The Prime Minister opted to sack Suella Braverman from the Home Office and replace her with James Cleverly.

The decision proved to be unpopular among viewers, with one telling Bev Turner and Andrew Pierce that Braverman was the “voice of the silent majority”.

Suella Braverman and Bev Turner


“What a disaster for the Conservative Party”, one viewer said.

They added: “The person who should resign is the Prime Minister, constantly saying one thing and doing another.”


Another viewer commented: “What a shame. She spoke for the silent majority. We’re now left with a bunch of wimps.”

Commenting on the sentiments put forward, Bev picked out a similar theme amongst viewers.

“There was something about her old school, tough rhetoric on immigration that people like”, she said.

Braverman’s departure follows rows over comments about homeless people and the policing of pro-Palestinian marches.

\u200bSuella BravermanSuella Braverman was sacked by Rishi Sunak this morningPA

In a statement, Braverman said she would have “more to say in due course” about her exit, adding “it had been the greatest privilege of my life to serve as Home Secretary”.

Her departure triggered a raft of changes in the Cabinet, including James Cleverly taking over the reigns as Home Secretary.

In perhaps the biggest shock of the day, former Prime Minister David Cameron stepped into the Foreign Secretary role that had been left vacant by the departing Cleverly.

Cameron made it clear he is fully supportive of Rishi Sunak despite publicly criticising decisions such as scrapping the northern leg of HS2.

The new Foreign Secretary said: “Though I may have disagreed with some individual decisions, it is clear to me that Rishi Sunak is a strong and capable Prime Minister, who is showing exemplary leadership at a difficult time.

“I want to help him to deliver the security and prosperity our country needs and be part of the strongest possible team that serves the United Kingdom and that can be presented to the country when the general election is held.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: “Suella Braverman was never fit to be Home Secretary. Rishi Sunak knew this and he still appointed her.

“It was the Prime Minister’s sheer cowardice that kept her in the job even for this long. We are witnessing a broken party and a broken Government, both of which are breaking this country.”

In his first comments in the new role, Cleverly said it was an “honour to be appointed as Home Secretary”.

“The goal is clear,” he said.

“My job is to keep people in this country safe.”

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