The idea that the British taxpayer should pay reparations for the slave trade is utter nonsense, says Patrick Christys

Patrick Christys

Patrick Christys hits out at the idea of paying reparations for the slave trade

GB News
Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 09/03/2023

- 21:17

Labour MP Clive Lewis is calling for us to send money to the Caribbean to say sorry for the slave trade

The idea that the British taxpayer should pay reparations for the slave trade is utter, utter nonsense.

Labour MP Clive Lewis is calling for us to send money to the Caribbean to say sorry for the slave trade. In fact, he thinks we won’t be able to move forward as a nation until we do so.

This is just the latest example of lefty woke word salad from people who want Britain to hate itself.

Nobody alive today should have to apologise for something that happened hundreds of years ago.

Clive Lewis

Clive Lewis wants reparations paid for the historic slave trade

GB News

Look, for a start, reparations have already been paid - between 1807 and 1860, the Royal Navy, West Africa Squadron seized approximately 1600 ships involved in the slave trade and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard these vessels.

I think actively stopping the slave trade is a pretty good way of amends for it.

It’s getting a bit ridiculous at this point isn’t it.

And then of course there is the question of whether or not it’s the people living in the Caribbean today who should really be getting the reparations. Are their lives today seriously negatively impacted as a result of the historic slave trade?

So, after we’ve tracked down maybe the few hundred people alive in Britain today who it could just about be claimed might owe some debt as a result of the slave trade, Clive Lewis MP would then want them to send the money to…the wrong place.

Mr Lewis was of course bang in favour of us staying in the European Union, which many regard as a protectionist racket that predominantly serves the majority white population of Continental Europe and puts barriers on trade with Caribbean and African nations.

So, when people say that British taxpayers should pay financial compensation for the slave trade, actually they're talking utter, utter rubbish.

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