Britain will buy into any story of woe... We have become a soft touch, says Nana Akua

Britain will buy into any story of woe... We have become a soft touch, says Nana Akua

Britain has become a soft touch, says Nana Akua

Nana Akua

By Nana Akua

Published: 24/12/2023

- 11:22

Asylum seekers have been stopped at airports in the UK trying to go back to the country they are apparently fleeing

You couldn’t make this up.. Asylum seekers have been stopped at airports in the UK trying to go back to the country they are apparently fleeing in order to see their relatives at Christmas..

I thought this was a joke when I first heard it.. But no, sadly this isn’t some made up narrative. It comes from Border Force Chief Phil Douglas who was talking about how the Border Force carry out their outbound checks during Christmas time and he just happened to mention that this was going on.

So these are people who have come to this country to seek sanctuary and claim asylum.

But according to the definition of Asylum seeker, an asylum seeker is a person who has left their country and is seeking protection from persecution and serious human rights violations in another country, but who hasn't yet been legally recognised as a refugee and is waiting to receive a decision on their asylum claim.

Nana Akua

Nana Akua has bemoaned soft touch Britain


So if they are claiming asylum according to the definition how come, if they are genuine and truly fleeing persecution from their country, Why are they trying to get back there on a plane for Christmas.. It’s hilarious..

They’re obviously not scared of flying, which begs the question as to why they didn’t just take a plane in the first instance to get to the UK.

Plane prepares to land at Gatwick

Asylum seekers have been jetting to countries 'they're supposedly fleeing from' for the festive period


Why come via small boat and pay over the odds to take a trip via an overpriced dangerous dingy when a flight would be so much cheaper and considerably safer.

Why indeed?... mmmm. Could it be something to do with hotels, ipads, cash in hand, food and shelter?

Look, I’m not saying that genuine asylum seekers shouldn’t be helped but the problem with all of this is it makes things worse for genuine asylum seekers and creates a feeling of anger among British taxpayers like myself, working hard to make ends meet, while many disingenuous so called asylum seekers save the money they are given by the British taxpayer to pay for a flight to go back to the country are supposedly fleeing persecution from..It makes a mockery of the UK..

They must be laughing at us, it’s actually hilarious..

So what will the bleeding heart liberals, the wokerati, the Gary Linekers make of this then. Eh.. How can they defend it.. Are they going to carry on opining for these people.

Picking on words like invasion and calling anyone who dares to point out the insincerity of many of those who come to our shores illegally after chucking away mobile phones and any form of ID.

So how will these so called Asylum seekers return to the UK? are they going to do the dingy thing again? Let them leave, but they can’t come back..

But the dingy’s are just a drop in the ocean pardon the pun, don’t get me started on our overgenerous legal migration rules.

Rishi is also making a mess of that, softening his stance on income required to come here.. The target he set will now be incremental so the full requirement will be applied in 2025, a date when he may have already left office as the likelihood of a general election before then is high as is the likelihood of him losing.

Soft touch Britain here we come,.. we’ll buy into any story of woe… it’s pathetic.

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