Alex Phillips: Revenge porn sites trade women like pornographic Pokemon

Alex Phillips: Revenge porn sites trade women like pornographic Pokemon
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Alex Phillips

By Alex Phillips

Published: 07/01/2022

- 14:45

A study across Australia, New Zealand and the UK found ONE IN FIVE men have been perpetrators of revenge porn.

Imagine a website where men upload explicit images of women without their knowledge. Where they tag naked pictures with names and locations for other men to degrade, where users can request so-called 'wins' of a particular woman to be shared with anonymous perverts.

What a vile, and, one would wrongly assume, illegal passtime. As with most dangerous filth on the internet, objectifying, traumatising and endangering women, nothing is being done.

According to the Revenge Porn Helpline, these sites trade women like pornographic Pokemon.

And it's not just websites.

Social media is increasingly used. In fact, a study across Australia, New Zealand and the UK showed ONE IN FIVE men have been perpetrators. The relatively new revenge porn law states that sharing intimate images to cause distress is an offense.

But what about when the victim never knows? And so here we are waiting for a feckless and flippant government pandering to patriarchal libertarians to catch up with yet another degrading, disgusting and dangerous assault on women.

So-called Collector Culture has fast become the most common form of abuse, with offenders - often everyday guys in Whatsapp groups, bonding over explicit images and lad banter.

Women who find out often get zero support and have no recourse to the law. Yet another symptom of a hypersexualised society where the commodification and degradation of women is normalised while those in power do nothing.

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