Mark White exposes switch in migrant smuggling tactics that could FLOOD Britain

Mark White exposes switch in migrant smuggling tactics that could FLOOD Britain

Mark White reveals SHOCKING up-to-date migrant numbers

GB News
GB News Reporter

By GB News Reporter

Published: 15/05/2024

- 13:45

Updated: 15/05/2024

- 13:49

Mark White discusses the implications of the change in tactics amid people smuggling gangs

GB News can reveal an apparent switch in people smuggling tactics that could see even more migrants flood to Britain.

Home Affairs editor Mark White discusses the implications for Britain and what it means for Rishi Sunak's plan to Stop The Boats.

Sources say criminal gangs are now pushing out fewer boats but more often in a bid to avoid French beach patrols.

It has resulted in almost a fortnight of continued low level migrant activity, when boats were launched from the French coast every day over the past 12 days.

Explaining the findings in an exclusive member video, Mark White explained: "Well, what we're seeing is an apparent shift in people smuggling tactics, which I think is very dangerous potentially going forward because they seem to be pushing out fewer boats more often. We've seen that now.

"For the past 12 days, boats have been launched from the beaches of France in an apparent effort to try to outwit the security services in France by pushing out on days that would normally not see any small boat launches, because the weather conditions just are not that good, but they're doing them.

"They're pushing 2 or 3 boats out at a time, and all that is adding up. Over 12 days, we've seen 1200 small boat migrants come across the English Channel in 25 small boats.

"So you can see, even though they're coming in just dribs and drabs of 1 or 2 boats at a time over a period of time, that all adds up to some 1200 that have crossed in a relatively short period of time.

"And the totals then for the year or so far, have now increased by a staggering 40%. On where we were at this point last year, some 9550 migrants have crossed the English Channel since the 1st of January.

That completely outstrips the gains that the UK government made last year, when they told us that they'd managed to see a reduction of 36% in the number of small boat migrants coming across the channel, it's worth repeating that figure.

"9550 have come for the year so far, 40% up on where we were at the same point last year."

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