Your GB Views: 'People talk about the pension increase as if it's El Dorado' - Read the best comments from GB News viewers today

GB views

GB News viewers have their say on key topics of the day

GB News
GB News Reporter

By GB News Reporter

Published: 29/02/2024

- 17:37

Updated: 29/02/2024

- 17:53

We'll collate some of the best comments from across email and the website every week day

Every day our readers and viewers send in their comments on the day's news agenda.

We've collated some of the best comments and views as Britons discuss the pension triple lock and the decision by a West End theatre to ban white people from two 'black only' shows.

Pension Triple Lock

Presenters keep talking about pensions, triple lock etc., but, just so as you know that over the past couple of years Pensioners have had only a small increase from £3 to approx. £5 per week.

As you can appreciate during the pandemic this amount of money would cover nothing much !!!

There is supposed to be a bigger increase this year, which will not come into effect until April 2024, and it may be that this increase would cover the cost of the increase in Gas & elect.

But, if you think about it. What about the cost of living, house insurance, car insurance, telephone, mobile, Council Tax, Water bills, and so on.

People talk about the pension increase as if it is El Dorado, but, it is not for my mother and auntie.


I am a pensioner and lucky to have a private pension that I paid into on top of my pension and no mortgage to pay but I still have to pay my council tax water rates electricity gas car tax etc just like everyone else and cope with the price rises so not a lot left out of my pension. There a lot of pensioners who haven’t got a private pension on top of their state pension and are still paying rent so they struggle just like a lot of young people


"The youth of today are paying taxes to pay current pensioners state pensions" is not true, current pensioners have paid for their pensions by paying tax & national insurance for 50 years.

Can you stop saying current workers are paying taxes to pay the state pension and some pensioners are millionaires and shouldn't get the pension.

Current pensioners have paid for their own pension by working and paying tax and national insurance all their working lives. Also, remember they left school at 15 and retired at 65, so worked and paid tax and national insurance for 50 years and some are still having to work as the state pension hasn't kept up with rising prices and is one of the lowest state pensions in Europe with one of the highest retirement age.

Mark Williams

It seems the mainstream media have decided not to mention that over 3million women were railroaded into accepting raising the pension age from 60 to 66 in one fell swoop.

Please mention that a reviews outcome in the high court gives its ruling in June .Be better than the rest GB news please raise awareness it’s every bit of a scandal that the post office one was until it was made aware of

Phil Barnsley (Husband of a waspi)

​West End Theatre banning white people from two showings

Dear Tom,

Thank you for pointing out Britain's proud record on abolishing slavery.
May I also point out that it wasn't just 'white' men involved in the slave trade.

The black slaves were first rounded up by their own black leaders, then sold to Arab traders and only after that were bought by white buyers and taken to work on Caribbean plantations.

Most British Afro-Caribbean people appear to forget or not know that most important part of their history of the slave trade.
And then, for the most part, they were 'looked after' by their 'owners' as they were valuable assets. Not all of them were raped and beaten as is always implied.

More than 50,000 British sailors were killed trying to halt the slave trade. Royal Navy ships blockaded African ports, boarded foreign slave ships to rescue the slaves and return them their countries of origin.

As Emily would say "here endeth the lesson."

Keep up the good work on your excellent show which we love to watch.

Anthony Bonnici

Greatest publicity stunt ever dreamed up! Otherwise hardly anyone would bother to see this silly show! If there were two whites only nights, it would be a race hate crime!


Politicians left wing racial do gooders, say there is not enough racial harmony in this country, and what does a theatre play do about that, White people banned from two shows, to allow black audience members to enjoy it free from white gaze, if this had been on the other foot all left wing racial groups would have been shouting from the roof tops.

Gordon Baird

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