Electric car inquiry launched by House of Lords to investigate 2030 petrol and diesel car ban

An electric car charging

The inquiry has been launched to look into experiences with EVs

Felix Reeves

By Felix Reeves

Published: 10/08/2023

- 09:34

The Government wants to hear from drivers about their experiences with electric vehicles

The House of Lords has launched an inquiry to understand how the Government will achieve its goal of banning the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2030.

A further ban will affect any remaining vehicles which are not zero emission, namely hybrid vehicles, and is set to be introduced in 2035.

The Environment and Climate Change Committee inquiry is focusing on understanding how the Government will achieve emissions deadlines in 2030 and 2035 for the phase out of polluting vehicles.

There will be a particular emphasis on the impact it will have on passenger cars and exploring the “main obstacles and barriers to meeting these targets”.

A Tesla Supercharger

Drivers are being asked to participate in the inquiry


Many have suggested that the phase out of petrol and diesel vehicles in less than seven years will promote many challenges to the general public.

There has been particular concern around the cost of living crisis and the rise in inflation, with motorists being forced to stick with older, potentially more polluting vehicles.

While the ban does not affect the sale of any second-hand petrol and diesel vehicles, people are still frustrated with the price of new electric cars.

Because of global issues including the pandemic and supply chain problems, many car manufacturers struggled to keep costs down, with most new electric cars starting at around £30,000.

Baroness Kate Parminter, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee, called on drivers across the country to take part in the inquiry.

She added: “The rubber is now hitting the road, as we can’t get to net zero without individuals making changes to our lives, how we travel and what we buy.

“Using EVs for passenger transport will be a part of that, and the government has committed to ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030.

“We want to hear from the public and the industry about their experience of acquiring and using EVs in the UK, and what the Government needs to do to encourage greater take up ahead of the upcoming 2030 and 2035 phase out dates of for new petrol and diesel vehicles.

The inquiry will also look to understand the costs and benefits of the 2030 phase out, both for individual drivers and the country as a whole.

The 13-member committee aims to understand the Government’s progress towards decarbonising car usage by the 2030 deadline.

It is estimated that the transport sector accounts for 34 per cent of total carbon dioxide emissions in 2022, with a large majority of this total coming from road transport.

Motorists are invited to share their opinions on topics including the Government’s approach to 2030, the electric vehicle market, the experience of using an electric vehicle and problems with national and regional charging infrastructure.


An electric car charging sign at Tesco

The House of Lords inquiry will end in September


The committee is inviting the public to make written contributions to its inquiry, with the closing date taking place on Friday, September 15.

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