Busy Britons putting themselves at risk of early death with unhealthy habit

Woman consultation with doctor

Many Britons are putting of important check ups

Sarra Gray

By Sarra Gray

Published: 19/09/2023

- 11:00

Britons living busy lifestyle could be putting them at risk of premature death, according to research released today

Those living in the UK have been putting off health checks, with a staggering four out of 10 avoiding all free checks offered last year.

This, along with poor food choices, could be putting millions at risk of dying early.

The 2023 STADA Health Report found Britons are living with potentially life-threatening medical issues and putting off getting them seen to.

Not taking the time to do such tests is putting many at risk of dying early.

It found only 31 per cent of those in the UK will attend all free, preventative health checks.

Some Britons said they were avoiding such tests as they were afraid of a bad diagnosis.

However, putting off important health checks could lead to bigger problems down the line.

Less than half of women attended a smear test when they were invited.

Britons have also been living a less healthy lifestyle, according to the report.

Cost of living pressures have caused one in three Britons to drastically reduce how much they spend on fresh food.

Some 19 per cent cut back on sports and exercise spending.

Convenience food can be cheaper to buy and quicker to consume.

Person eating crisps

Eating less fresh food is putting Britons at risk


However, this is often packed full of unhealthy ingredients that can damage health.

Pizza, chips and other popular foods can put you at higher risk of dementia.

Processed foods can increase the risk of dementia by 25 per cent for every 10 per cent of processed food consumed.

It was also reported bread, pasta and other popular foods could lead to brain damage.

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