King Charles ‘appalled’ by acts of terror in Israel as he’s briefed on Gaza

King Charles

King Charles ‘appalled’ by acts of terror in Israel as he’s briefed on Gaza

Getty Images
Cameron Walker

By Cameron Walker

Published: 26/10/2023

- 17:20

Updated: 26/10/2023

- 17:24

Representatives from the four major organisations met the King in person today at Buckingham Palace

The King has been briefed on the "acute humanitarian situation" in Gaza by leaders from four humanitarian organisations working in the region.

His Majesty is President of the British Red Cross and is "appalled by and condemns the barbaric acts of terrorism in Israel", according to a Buckingham Palace spokesperson earlier this month.

As part of its "recognised neutral intermediary role", the International Committee of the Red Cross helped with the recent release of Israeli hostages from Gaza.

Representatives from the British Red Cross, Medical Aid for Palestinians, UNICEF UK and Christian Aid met the King in person today at Buckingham Palace.

WATCH HERE: King Charles and Camilla arrived at Mansion House

Humanitarian organisations are calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict to allow civilians and humanitarian workers access to aid and safety.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also urged for temporary breaks in fighting to allow more Israeli hostages and British nationals to be released.

It is understood His Majesty is "deeply concerned" about the situation in the Middle East and has asked to be kept "actively updated".

Earlier this month, The King spoke to the President of Israel and the King of Jordan to express his "thoughts and prayers for all those suffering, especially to the loved ones of those who had lost their lives".


Israel attacksIsrael attacks: Over 1,000 people have died amid Hamas conflictGETTY

His Majesty has "lifelong experience of the Middle East" and has worked to support humanitarian causes "across the boundaries of faith and community", according to a Buckingham Palace spokesperson.

The Chief Rabbi in the UK met with the King earlier this month to discuss the impact of the conflict on Jewish communities in the country.

There has been an "unprecedented" surge in antisemitic hate crimes since Hamas' attack on Israeli civilians on October 7, according to the 'Campaign Against Antisemitism' organisation.

Last week, The King stressed the need for tolerance and civility during a landmark address at Mansion House, where he attended a dinner with the Queen to recognise the work of City of London civic institutions and Livery Companies.

King CharlesKing Charles gave a speech at Mansion HousePA

His Majesty said one of his first acts as Sovereign "was to open the doors of Buckingham Palace to the leaders of the major faiths represented across these islands; to welcome them, with respect and indeed love, and to re-dedicate my life to protecting the space for faith itself within our shores."

“Such understanding, both at home and overseas, is never more vital than at times of international turmoil and heartbreaking loss of life.”

Yesterday, King Charles held an audience with the Crown Prince of Kuwait and it is understood they also discussed the humanitarian situation in the Middle East.

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