Last October, the Welsh parliament was accused of "censorship" after using the system to ban GB News from its televisions
GB News host Andrew Pierce has been left fuming after the Welsh government paying nearly £250,000 to block GB News and said "How dare they?"
Last October, the Welsh parliament was accused of "censorship" after using a system to ban GB News from its televisions.
Speaking on GB News Bev Turner said: "The Welsh Parliament has paid a quarter of £1 million to change their software in their buildings, so they can't get GB News.
Andrew teased: "I think it's because they heard you, and they thought no more of that."
Bev responded: "I can't believe this. It is outrageous." Realising her co-hosts jibe she said: "I think probably you're more of a thorn in their side than I am."
Sharing a viewers point of view she said: "Richard says the problem with all the other media is that they are all jealous, because TV news is a breath of fresh air, and it tells the truth.
Andrew added: "It's a very serious point, though. How dare they use taxpayers' money to prevent a recognised broadcaster?"