Mark Dolan: Labour and the Tories are in a coalition, and it's the coalition from hell
Any hope that we were going to go back to the old normal, feels like a distant memory.
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We are in dark times, and I'm not just talking about the short days at this time of the year. At the moment it feels like the end of days.
Any hope that we were going to go back to the old normal, feels like a distant memory. We now live in what can only be described as a semi democracy, with the government supported by the so-called opposition, for every set of ruinous measures that they inflict on us.
Labour and the Tories are in coalition, and it's the coalition from hell. A coalition which has masked kids as young as 12, all day long in the classroom and consigned them to months of lonely, solitary lessons online.
It's a coalition which effectively closed the NHS for a year and a half potentially shortening the lives of millions and certainly damaging them.
We know about an anticipated waiting list of 12 million people and Telegraph report that 750,000 cases of cancer may have been missed during lockdown.
That's before you get to heart disease, dementia and all of the other ailments which threaten human life, which we seem to have forgotten about during this pandemic.
In my view, almost every disease you can think of is actually worse than Covid. And the University of Bristol have told me that creating the biggest recession in 300 years will ultimately claim half a million lives due to economic damage.
This coalition has also closed once viable businesses, presided over a mental health tsunami and wrecked peoples lives.
A question no one will ever answer me, is why it’s ok to wreck lives? Why is human damage ever justified? All for a virus non fatal to almost everyone? A third were told to pretend they’ve got it.
What the hell is going on? There has been a theme in the course of this pandemic.
As the news gets better, the measures get worse. And we've seen it again this week, with hospitalisations and deaths a fraction of where they were this time last year, and yet we enter so-called Plan B Covid restrictions, at an estimated cost to the economy of £18 billion.
All brought to you by the coalition from hell, Labour and the Tories.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his deputy Kier Starmer.
The terrible twins, the Chuckly Brothers, Dumb and Dumber.
Now this Omicrion variant is by all accounts, highly transmissible, but mild. There are no examples of anyone dying from it anywhere in the world.
The South Africans, who identified it, are puzzled at our overreaction. And yet not satisfied with a “better safe than sorry policy” of Plan B, in which we won’t be safe, but we will be sorry, the press are reporting that even more severe restrictions are being drawn up for January.
Punishment, of course, for Christmas. We know the script. We heard it all last year. Now there are a handful of principled politicians who will be voting against these scientifically debatable, but clearly damaging restrictions on Tuesday. One of them is the Conservative MP for Bassetlaw, Brendan Clarke-Smith.
These measures – rolled out before a clear risk from the new variant is clear – will wreak needless damage on the hospitality sector, responsible for a huge part of our economy and national income, and a big employer of women and young people in particular. It is going to be further destroyed by this decision.
And this is the time of year, when they should be making most of their profits. So to introduce these measures, when data around omicron is still vague but encouraging, and when hospitalisations are so stable, is cruel, reckless and wrong. I find it slightly evil to be honest.
But what chills me to the core is the idea that these measures may be being rolled out, in order to distract from the government’s alleged rule breaking around parties a year ago.
If this government is willing to inflict further damage to the country and its people, to hide a political scandal, then we are in a dark place indeed. And those who say Boris Johnson is not fit for high office would be right.
I don't normally care about the Westminster bubble and the soap opera at number 10 Downing Street – sleaze, expensive wallpaper and the rest of it.
I think the recent sleaze allegations, though a concern, don't even touch the sides when it comes to the crucially important issues affecting the British people - the cost of living, jobs, housing, the integrity of our borders, the safety of our streets, the quality of our schools and the effectiveness of our health service.
But the allegations around multiple parties being thrown last year, when the rest of us were unable to see our families, may have huge implications for the viability of this government.
There are suggestions reported in the Times newspaper today that up to seven lockdown-breaking gatherings took place in November and December, including government staff leaving dos, and alleged parties at Johnson’s flat, the Cabinet Office and the Department for Education.
So who is investigating this set of allegations? Simon Case, at the Cabinet office.
They are investigating themselves folks. This is the kind of behaviour that would embarrass a banana Republic. Now the virus is very nasty and has killed too many people, but a tiny proportion of the population.
So notwithstanding the horrific loss of life and nasty symptoms experienced by some, what this virus has really succeeded in doing is bringing out the worst in our leaders, precipitating a coalition of hell between Labour and the Tories, diluting our democracy, destroying our fundamental liberties, smashing the economy to pieces with a debt burden that will have to be dealt with by future generations, creating a non-Covid death toll which will obviously dwarf that of Covid and ultimately leaving us a diminished, damaged, scarred and less successful country.
And this supposedly libertarian, freedom-loving prime minister
wants to have a national conversation about mandating the vaccine for a disease that millions have had, that the vast majority have been vaccinated against and for which over 90% of the population carry antibodies.
What the hell is going on? If we continue on this trajectory, it doesn't end well. Forced vaccinations, Covid passports, linking your medical status to certain freedoms: with an unprecedented assault on all our basic liberties and bodily autonomy, the western world is slowly turning into China.
Jacinda Arden, the kiwi Mussolini has just banned smoking in New Zealand. For your health.
We are living in an age of autocracy. Democracy is under attack, and freedom is now just a luxury bestowed upon the public by governments, conditional upon what they deem the correct behaviours.
Democracy hasn't faced this level of threat for decades, and it hasn't faced such a unilateral threat, across so many freedom-loving nations, ever. But with the scandal around number 10 parties, I think we have an opportunity.
Because a government which laughs at its own rules, is one that will not be able to govern indefinitely. Devoid of any moral or intellectual authority, the public will deem it within their rights to ignore these rules. Just as their leaders did.
Matt Hancock on CCTV, Dominic Cummings and now these alleged parties at Number 10. The government and sage scientists have cried wolf too many times, over a virus which is now not far off flu statistically.
The public are slowly waking up to the damage and wising up to the bullshit. Countless people, who followed the rules previously are, for example, now ignoring the mask mandate.
I don’t know anyone that’s going to allow the government to cancel their Christmas. When it comes to masks, perhaps they’ve seen the data or listened to former sage advisor Dr Colin Axon who says they are nothing more than a comfort blanket.
When it comes to other restrictions, perhaps they've looked at case rates in Germany, where they have a stricter mask mandate with better masks, Covid passports and soon to be enforced vaccination. How’s it going there I wonder?
It doesn't make for good reading.
By allegedly holding parties last year, the government took the piss, and revealed themselves. Being told by the government to follow Covid rules now is like Count Dracula, telling you to stay away from blood supplies.
Now I would never advocate breaking the law and any protest must be peaceful and democratic, and all voices and opinions when it comes to Covid will get a platform here at GB news.
Many disagree with everything I have said. And I hope you are right, if you think that all of this damage was worth it. I really do.
But you have to ask yourself, where is this all going? And when will it stop? Will it stop? I have my doubts. Three weeks to flatten the curve is now almost 2 years of damaging measures, under the coalition from hell.
And yet our per capita Covid death rate is far higher than in many countries, that did far less. There is time between now and the next election for other political parties to mobilise around the around a promise to restore freedom and the democratic values of this country.
I can write the manifesto now if you like: we will never close schools again, we will put the economy first, because that's what pays for public health.
We will not close once-viable businesses.
We will not let children suffer for a disease that poses them almost no threat.
We will not unilaterally cover your faces with a rancid piece of cloth.
We will keep the NHS open for business.
In any future pandemic we will protect the vulnerable and let the healthy and those not at serious risk, get on with their lives and contribute to the economy which pays for everything else.
We will let people identify the risks of life for themselves. And while you're at it, we will police our borders properly, stand up for the basic facts of human biology and confirm that only women have a cervix, and we will properly seize the opportunities that Brexit brings.
Because there's no point voting for Brexit, if the government doesn't deliver it through policy.
Whether it’s the dangerous idea of vaccine passports or mandates, or whether it’s the huge damage from the unprecedented experiment of lockdown, this virus was never bad enough to justify this horror show.
No disease justifies the measures we’ve seen, and societies have never reacted to an illness in this way, ever before in human history.
And let me tell you, we’ve had far worse viruses than Covid. Nasty respiratory virus it is, but the bubonic plague it ain’t.
The government appear to have spent last Christmas laughing at us. Well the joke’s on them. Soon these clowns will be consigned to the dustbin of political history.