Newly elected Birmingham Erdington MP Paulette Hamilton refused an interview with GB News following her victory
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Congratulations to Paulette Hamilton, who has won the Erdington by-election for labour. Her leader Keir Starmer tweeted:
“Congratulations to Paulette Hamilton, Labour’s new MP for Birmingham Erdington and the city’s first Black MP. You’ve made history. As a dedicated community champion I know that you will bring security, prosperity and respect to the people of Erdington.”
Lovely stuff, great achievement. Our brilliant reporter Balvinder Sidhu was hugely looking forward to interviewing with this new MP, who by the way attended a panel event in 2015 entitled 'The Ballot or the Bullet: Does Your Vote Count' where she expressed views which appeared to suggest, she was “torn” between the democratic system and what she calls “an uprising”.
The ballot or the bullet, eh? Well our own Balvinder was given the bullet by this new MP.
Take a look at this tweet from our own Balvinder:
“Labour refused GB News an interview with Erdington by-election winner Paulette Hamilton - I was told earlier in the evening by Labour’s Steve McCabe that they won’t talk to us but she did speak to all the other media outlets.”
So I don't know why the Labour Party refuse an interview with GB News, a national current affairs network focused to a huge extent on British politics. And most importantly channel watched by up to two million people a week. In fact I'm normally beating Sky News about now.
So why this rejection? Does the Labour Party not want to hear all voices? Is the labour party, famously keen on diversity, less keen on diversity of opinion? Do they want to cancel this new voice in UK broadcasting? They certainly cancelled that interview and my brilliant colleague Balvinder.
I've got so many questions folks. Because in my view, if somebody cancels GB News, if somebody throws shade at GB News, they are cancelling you and they are throwing shade in your direction too.
We do things a bit differently here at GB news, I'm delighted to say many of you have called us a breath of fresh air. We're unashamedly patriotic, we accept that whilst there may be bumps in the road Brexit ultimately brings with it huge opportunities. I am certain it will be a roaring success.
We want the channel migrant crisis sorted and the business model of evil gangsters broken once and for all, and we want to see an end to what is ultimately a humanitarian crisis. We wouldn't mind confirming basic biological facts. You can identify however you like, and should be acknowledged and respected for that, but there are just two biological sexes. Don't take my word for it, those are the very words of one the greatest fertility experts in the world Professor Robert Winston.
Perhaps the Labour Party will cancel him next.
I want to hear all voices on my show and we want to hear all voices on this channel. So I would warmly invite the Labour Party to reconsider this decision and grant Balvinder her interview with the victorious Paulette Hamilton. And I would love to extend an invitation to Sir Keir Starmer to appear on this show and to be my Mark Meets guest, which is the flagship interview slot on this programme. I’ve just drafted the email on this computer, I’ll send it in a second. I do hope he will accept.
I guess like most people on the national airwaves I enjoy a small degree of influence. Perhaps the labour leader might like to catch my eye, given the fact that I have voted for every major party in my life and on multiple occasions for the labour party. I'd love to know what he’s going to do, to secure my vote at the next election. Or does that not matter? Is that not a concern of Sir Keir’s? And all the votes of the many people watching GB news and watching this programme as we speak – I'm normally beating sky about now. Doesn't matter either?
If Labour cancels GB News, it’s cancelling you.
Perhaps it doesn't like you, perhaps it judges you. Perhaps it doesn't want your vote. For the sake of our great democracy, I hope that's not the case and I look forward to being proved wrong. Sir Keir, over to you.
Sending email now.
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