It is my hope that the fall of the Sturgeon signals the beginning of the end of this ideological, woke supremacism, says Laurence Fox

Laurence Fox questions whether wokeness as we know it is coming to an end
Laurence Fox questions whether wokeness as we know it is coming to an end
Image: GB News
Laurence Fox

By Laurence Fox

Published: 17/02/2023

- 19:13

Ding dong, the Sturgeons gone. Pun intended

Ding dong, the Sturgeons gone. Pun intended.

So is it the end of the Woke as we know it?

It is surprising how many lost memories from childhood bubble back up to the forefront of our minds when it is our time to become parents, like some enormous download of stored wisdom, experience and guidance to help us for what lies ahead.

We remember times of sadness in those early years as if they were yesterday, and we attempt to sever that channel of emotion for our own kids. Likewise, we cherish the times we felt loved and secure, as we do our best to make sure we pass that gift on, for our children to do the same one day in return.

We fail constantly, because we human beings are imperfect, to say the least, but generation after generation, we are constantly trying to improve the delicate recipe of life. Wisdom passed on from parent to child, repeating and repeating.

Societies are like families in that way. Slowly cooking away, improving with every new generation, and until recently it seemed human beings had reached as close to a harmony that these deep rooted imperfections would allow.

The eternal genius of Martin Luther King telling us to judge what lies beneath these layers of skin, rather than the colour on top of it.

To work towards equality of opportunity for all, and to end the horrors of racism and segregation. That no matter who you were there was a place in society where you would be recognised and represented. It seemed by the turn of this century we were nearly there.

In our affluence and leisure, we even took time away from our own worries to turn our gaze on the world around us and how it could be improved, nurtured and conserved for generations to come.

And then all of a sudden, the whole intricate process shuddered to a stop and a great reset had taken place. A silent revolution begun. Mankind turned inward against itself. As Cooper mused in “Interstellar” “We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.”

It all began with language. We didn’t notice it at first. We thought it was “Politically correct” not to say certain things. We were embarrassed at the words our forebears used to describe others. We were happy to modernise and update our constantly evolving language. A little nip here and tuck here - and move on.

But for some a little nip or a tuck will never be enough. Words themselves, even the most benign of all, became tools of oppression and violence at worst, and indicators of unearned privilege at best. There could no longer just be justice, for example. It needed a modifier.

So Justice became “social justice.” Privilege, immutable by dint of birth was odiously modified and the exclusive property of anyone with pinkish skin. Perhaps most ridiculous of all being that in our desperate desire to eradicate grannies embarrassing utterances whenever she called someone a “coloured person,” we just reversed the order of the words and everything was just dandy. Person of colour - fine. Coloured person - bigoted racist devil. A distinction without a difference in this war for words. Language stopped becoming a way to communicate and connect and started becoming a means of exerting power and control over others. People started to keep their mouths shut for fear of stepping on a linguistic landmine which could destroy their entire life. Today - polling reveals - half of Great Britain are frightened to speak their minds.

But, why stop there? Wondered the leisured ideologues aimlessly plodding the corridors of our universities, institutions and seat of government looking to bring about the great change? Why just modify words, when you can change their meanings altogether?

And where better to start than “Man” and “Woman”.

At some point during this dizzying decline in peaceful human improvement, those who seek power and control over us, for our own improvement, turned their eyes on simple biology.

There is no such thing as male and female. Those two immutable and entirely different sexes - suddenly became a “scale” - one could - in ones narcissism - place oneself self importantly on - wherever one liked. Today identity matters far more than physical reality.

This obviously has a few predictable drawbacks, such as broad shouldered men - with autogynephilic fetishes - putting on a women’s swimming costume, hopping in the pool, beating women soundly in competition, then popping to the dressing room to ditch his costume to offer glimpses of his penis at the girls whose sporting futures he had just destroyed.

The girls were instructed to be silent, and not voice their fear at sharing protected private spaces with a dude, or even at the unfairness of it all, but for fear of the future repercussions from their entirely understandable fury.

But swimming races and penises in dressing rooms are one thing. Violent rapists in female prisons are something entirely different. As we saw this week, common sense and reality came home to roost for one of the speech suppressors in chief, the Scottish first minister, Nicola sturgeon. First there was the highly controversial gender Recognition reform bill, which was “returned to sender” shortly after it arrived in Westminster, then came the 50 second interview which starkly revealed the ridiculousness of the woke ideology to the public.

Convicted rapist Adam Graham had decided to chuck on a wig, call himself Isla and was - no doubt - salivating at the idea of serving his sentence locked up alongside some potential future victims, but it seemed this time the public just couldn’t take the madness anymore.

The backlash forced Nicola into a hurried retreat and announce that Adam wouldn’t be getting the holiday of his dreams after all - and the first minister of woke and her cronies who wish to police speech around the family dinner table, had gone too far. A sudden awakening from the wokery seized the public and she is now - thankfully - gone.

You see, that is all it takes. People to stand up and say “No thanks” to this insidious secular religion, which is a danger to the existence of women, delights in the sacrifice of the mutilation of children, hates the family and the passing on of wisdom in favour of a celebration of the the self and all the darkness which inhabits us, and which has damaged societal discourse and most importantly - free speech - without which, democracy is an illusion - in such a fundamental way. It can be stopped, when confronted head-on as we have seen with Nicola.

It is my hope that the fall of the Sturgeon signals the beginning of the end of this ideological Woke supremacism - and when future generations look back at this era of fundamentalist nihilism, they remind themselves of just how easily the complex intricacies of societal harmony can be destroyed in an instant.

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