COP28 deal threatens Britain’s agreement with the Falkland Islands, says Jacob Rees-Mogg

COP28 deal threatens Britain’s agreement with the Falkland Islands, says Jacob Rees-Mogg
GB News
Jacob Rees-Mogg

By Jacob Rees-Mogg

Published: 14/12/2023

- 09:26

Updated: 14/12/2023

- 09:28

Jacob Rees-Mogg claims the new deal will leave the UK reliant on foreign imports from dictatorships

The deal, passed off the back of COP28, calls for the transitioning away from fossil fuels in our energy systems beginning in this decade in a just, orderly and equitable manner so as to achieve net zero by 2050.

The new compromise calls for transitioning away from fossil fuels rather than a phase out. Despite the demands of 100 nations, the UN climate chief Simon Steele said that the deal is the beginning of the end for fossil fuels.

The deal passed almost immediately, the smoothest most have ever seen a deal go through with no objections raised. Authoritarian agendas have a tendency to pass rather quickly because they're not subject to scrutiny or democratic procedures.

World leaders who hopped into their array of carbon spewing private jets to tell the rest of us we need to use less fuel, proudly declared that this is the first time in almost 30 years of COP climate summits that a fossil fuel agreement has been reached.

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg reacts to the COP28 climate deal

GB News

But there's one major floor in this plan. It doesn't make sense. We need cheap fuel. It's not expendable. It's essential.

Cheap fuel is essential for alleviating poverty, for spreading prosperity, and for promoting economic growth globally. And the climate doomsters may say that economic benefits are unimportant, but that's not right. They are. They are essential.

And even the gloomiest forecasts are not talking about Armageddon. The world will continue and yes, there may be some ameliorations that are needed, but even if the temperature rises the world will still continue and what we need is for the market to lead the way in energy advancement.

We need the technology to develop first and then in the immortal principle of supply and demand, take the reins from there. Why is this important? Because as you see how energy has evolved over hundreds and thousands of years, it has always been that economies have grown as energy has got cheaper and more plentiful.

And so we need to know what the more plentiful and cheaper energy will be first before we phase out the energy that has been the staple.

And this leads on to what's happening in one of Great Britain's last remaining territories, the Falkland Islands. It is rich in oil resources, yet this vital, lucrative and enriching industry is under threat under COP's new fossil fuel agenda, which leaves us dependent on fossil fuels coming from dictatorships.

And it's always been part of Britain's territorial deal with the Falklands that they, the Falkland Islanders, should have the ability to economically self sustain themselves. If His Majesty's Government is sincere about honouring this commitment to this territory, it must allow the Islanders to develop their own resources.

Also, the deal poses a serious risk to all its citizens well-being over here on the mainland.

It'll push up our bills, force us to run foreign imports, make green energy that is expensive, the mainstay and sometimes unavailable when the wind isn't blowing. And this will cost you the hard working citizen as our economy doesn't grow.

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