British expat hotspot sees huge surge in home burglaries as vigilante patrols set up

Burglar trying to open a window

Burglar trying to open a window

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 12/12/2023

- 16:11

Updated: 12/12/2023

- 22:09

More than 76,000 Britons live in the Alicante region

A British expat hotspot has witnessed a surge in home burglaries as vigilantes patrol the streets because police are not arriving on time.

Around 300 people from Pinar de Campoverde attended an open air meeting on Sunday to call for more police patrols to catch the culprits.

Break-ins appear to have surged in southern Costa Blanca but some residents admit many remain inevitable.

Homeowner, Sara Henarejos Carillo, said: “There’ve been 30 robberies in the last months or so, with up to four in one night.”

A stock image of a British holidaymaker in SpainA stock image of a British holidaymaker in Spain


The gang reportedly wear balaclavas and dark clothing.

The group tend to operate in the early evening when they believe homes are empty.

Sara Nenarejos Carillo has launched a petition demanding more police patrols.

She also claimed officers never arrive in time to catch the burglars.

Masked thief using lock picker to open locked door

Masked thief using lock picker to open locked door


The situation is causing “increased anger” among property owners.

Pinar de Campoverde Vecinos, a residents association in the area, said they now have 500 members in their “Theft Alert Group”.

Volunteers receive notifications every time a possible intruder is spotted.

The group descend on the area after calling Policia Local and Guardia Civil.

A number of people reportedly responded last Friday by carrying baseball bats and golf clubs to “foil” three attempted incidents after security alarms went off.

Beach in Spain

A stock image of a beach in Spain


Marina Saez, a councillor covering Pilar’s Security, pleaded for “calm”.

She also stressed residents need to allow police to do their job and did not recommend vigilante patrols.

Saez added: “We are following several lines of inquiries that will hopefully bear fruit as soon as possible.”

Mayor Jose Maria Perez, Policia Local, Guardia Civil and local residents will have the opportunity to meet to discuss the situation after receiving an invitation from Pilar council.

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